- criticize sb. for shoddy work 批评某人工作粗枝大叶
- It is up to the teacher not to accept shoddy work. 教师不应接受敷衍潦草的作业。
- Sloppy or shoddy work will not benefit the employer and could rapidly cost you your job. 马虎或偷工减料不利于雇主和费用你可以迅速就业。
- I'm not suggesting we throw caution to the wind, surrender our standards or accept shoddy work. 我不是建议我们去把警惕抛到九霄云外,放弃标准,或者去接受粗制滥造的工作结果。
- For their shoddy work and vagabond ways, they have a well-earned reputation as hucksters out to hoodwink the outlander colonists on Tatooine. 由于他们劣等的工作及声名狼藉的作风,他们有著名符其实的声誉--试图欺骗塔图音外来拓殖者的叫卖小贩。
- From these complaints, you can see some decoration companies to use shoddy work, shoddy and other despicable means to reap ill-gotten gains. 从这些投诉中,您不难看出有些装饰公司不惜用偷工减料、粗制滥造等卑劣的手段来牟取不义之财。
- Wang came to the construction team has found more shoddy work behaviour, but because of the established friends, and dare not say face to face straight, gas can only move in mind. 小王更发现施工队有偷工减料的行为,但碍于朋友的情面,又不敢当面直说,有气也只能憋在心中。
- take occasion to (severely) criticize sb. 趁机(严厉)批评某人
- If made in China becomes a byword for shoddy goods, the country's efforts to shift up the value chain would suffer. 如果中国制造成为假冒伪劣产品的代名词,那么,中国为提升价值链所做的努力就会付诸东流。
- He gets a work that gives scope for his abilities. 他得到了一份有机会发挥他才能的工作。
- My parents, their whole generation, treadmilled away the best years of their lives toiling in factories for shoddy paypackets. 我的父母以及那一代人,在工厂里辛苦了大半辈子,只为了那干瘪的工资袋。
- Eventually, after months of lies and irrationality, people begin disliking SB For such a trusting and kind dorm like Brown to dislike someone, you really have to be special. 最后经过了数月的谎言和恼怒,同学们开始讨厌她。能让Brown这样一个值得信赖且和善的室友讨厌,那可真是个极品才能做的到。
- He has a reputation for being a forthright critic. 他是以直率著称的评论家。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- In 1945, Japan's industrial capacity was totally destroyed and years later “Made in Japan” was a catch phrase for shoddy, second-rate merchandise. Things have changed. 1945年日本完全丧失了工业生产能力。几年后虽然“日本制造”频频见诸于各种商品,但也只是伪劣品和残次品的代名词。而如今情况却大不相同了。
- The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
- be looking for an opportunity to attack or criticize sb. 寻找机会攻击或批评某人
- He used to abandon his work for months at a time. 他过去每次放下工作就是几个月。
- It's hard to criticize one's own work. 评价自己的工作并非易事。
- Punish sb for doing sth. 因干某事而惩罚某人。