- The crop yields for the year are phenomenal. 当年的庄稼产量是惊人的。
- Crop yield correlates closely with annual rainfall. 农作物的收成与年降雨量有密切关系。
- Ways of Improving Crop Yield Per Unit Area and the Countermeasures. 提高作物单产的途径与对策。
- Considering the economic benefit, mulching straw can also improve crop yields. 从经济效益来讲,还可以提高作物的产量。
- The study of plant nutrition and growth as related to soil condition, especially to determine ways to increase crop yield. 农业生物学; 土壤生物学关于植物养分和与土壤条件相关的生长的研究,尤其是对判定如何增加农作物产量方法的研究
- Blackened circles denote accumulated temperatures and open ones crop yield. 涂黑圆圈表示积温,空白圆圈表示作物产量。
- These losses would come in the form of export sanctions, lost markets, treatment costs, reduced crop yields, deformities, and premature fruit drop. 这些损失费用包括出口受限、市场损失、检疫处理费用、种植面积减少、残伤和未熟果实跌落。
- One argument in favor of supporting agricultural prices is that it stimulates agricultural technology and boosts crop yields. 有一种观点认为农业价格支持可以刺激农业技术的发展并提高作物产量。
- Pineapple farmers in Ghana are using PDAs and bar coding technology to facilitate transport and increase crop yields. 加纳的菠萝种植农正使用掌上电脑和条码技术来促进运输和增加作物产量。
- Higher prices are due to more expensive farming practices, tighter government regulations and lower crop yields. 由于昂贵的农业实践、更为严格的政府管理和较低的作物产量,所以价格较高。
- Fertilizer, an expensive input, does not seem to reflect in crop yields concomitantly. 化肥是一项昂贵的投入,似乎并不与作物的产量反应相符。
- Rational intercropping can improve crop yields and decrease occurrence of pests and diseases. 合理的间作套种可以提高作物产量,减轻农作物病虫害的发生。
- Furthermore, the crop yields were maximal and the steadiest under this treatment. 同时, 这种施肥方式下水稻与油菜的年平均产量也较高, 而且年际波动小。
- There's evidence that hotter conditions could harm crop yields, resulting in less grain and higher food prices. 有证据表明增温将会影响农作物的产量,导致更少的产量以及更高的价格。
- Over-irrigation led to the depositing of mineral salts on the soil to such an extent that crop yields were reduced sharply. 过份之灌溉导至无机盐贮存在土壤上,使农产品显著地减产。
- Farmers can lose rather than gain if incomes fluctuate because of variations in crop yields and outputs-stable prices can then destabilize incomes. 农作物产量和产值的变化如果引致收入波动,这对农民来说就可能是有害无益,因为稳定了价格可能稳定不了收入。
- A study the UK carried out with scientists here in China, for example, suggests that Chinese crop yields could fall by more than 30 per cent. 例如,由英国进行中国科学家参与的一项研究表明中国的农作物将因此减少30%25。
- It is easy to demonstrate that the addition of inorganic fertilizers makes rapid and significant improvements in crop yields. 加入无机肥料迅速明显地增加作物产量,这一点很容易证实。
- Research has demonstrated that, within certain limits, higher base saturation in weathered soils improves fertility and increases crop yields. 有研究证明,风化土壤较高的盐基饱和度可在一定程度上改善土壤肥力和提高作物产量。
- The economic impact of rising sea levels, reduced crop yields, fiercer storms and many other doleful consequences would be devastating. 海平面上升、农作物产量减少、更猛烈的风暴和更多令人沮丧的后果所造成的经济影响将是毁灭性的。