- the west coast strait economic zone 海峡西岸经济区
- the West-Taiwan Strait Economic Zone 海峡西岸经济区
- westem Taiwan Strait economic zone 海峡西岸经济区
- west coast strait economic zones 海峡西岸经济区
- A Discussion on Cooperation Mechanism and Strategic Approach for the Straits Economic Zone 海峡经济区合作机制与战略推进的探讨
- The economic zone on the west side of the Straits to go ahead in forming the Straits economic zone 海峡西岸经济区在构建海峡经济区中应先行一步
- Building the economic zone on the west side of the Straits and formation of the Straits economic zone 建设海峡西岸经济区与海峡经济区构建
- Analysis on the Presentation of the Export Processing Trade Industry in the West Coast Strait Economic Zone 海峡西岸经济区出口加工贸易产业现状分析
- The west strait economic zone 海峡西岸经济区
- A survey found that73% of the public had a favorable impression of Abni's inauguration speech, and63% believed his stance would improve cross strait relations. 一项民调讲有七成八耶郎对阿扁总统就职耶演讲感觉满意,嘛有六成三认为伊对两岸耶关系耶改善有帮助。
- Shenzhen is a special economic zone. 深圳是一个经济特区。
- Shenzhen special economic zone yearbook II. 深圳经济特区年鉴2。
- The Gaoyou Duck Industry Economic Zone. 高邮鸭业园区产品加工中心。
- And the special economic zone of Shantou. 和经济特区汕头学汉语。
- Analysis on Transformation and Upgrading of the Export Processing Trade Industry's in the West Coast Strait Economic Zones 海峡西岸经济区加工贸易转型升级研究
- Shantou Special Economic Zone was set up in 1981. 汕头有悠久的对外商贸历史,经济发展的最大特点是外向。
- Cross--strait Economic Integration 两岸经济整合
- This economic zone has attracted many foreign investors. 这个经济特区吸引了许多外国投资者。
- Mao Zedong posited the military thought of crossing strait and landing after the disembark war of Jinmen and Dengbu island. 在金门和登步岛登陆战失败后,毛泽东系统地提出了渡海登陆作战军事思想。
- Claro M.Recto Highway Clark Special Economic Zone... 即日起停止营业,敬请见谅!