- croupous conjunctivitis 格鲁布性结膜炎
- There is no slope or angle to the croup. 在臀部没有斜面和角度。
- Broad muscular loins, very slightly sloping croup. 肌肉发达的腰部,臀部稍低。
- You have acute infective conjunctivitis. 你得的是急性传染性结膜炎。
- How does summer prevent acute conjunctivitis? 夏天如何预防急性结膜炎?
- A sunken or slanted croup is a serious fault. 凹陷或倾斜的臀部属于严重缺陷。
- Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva. 结膜炎是结膜的炎症疾病。
- There is no specific treatment for viral conjunctivitis. 病毒性结膜炎并无特别方法治疗。
- Conjunctivitis is the most common eye infection affecting children. 红眼病是最常见的能传染儿童的眼病。
- Croup slopes very slightly;rump moderately broad and well muscled. 臀部,非常轻微的倾斜,宽度适中且肌肉发达。
- Antihistaminic agents may control the atropine conjunctivitis. 这种由阿托品引起的结膜炎,可用抗组胺类药物控制。
- Topline straight and level between withers and croup. 背线笔直,位置介于腰和臀部之间。
- Croup gently rounded, without any tendency to fall away sharply. 臀部非常圆,没有任何陡峭的迹象。
- Does conjunctivitis companion have follicular how to use drug? 结膜炎伴有滤泡怎样用药?
- "Zola" Unfortunately, the current infected with conjunctivitis. “新佐拉”目前不幸染上结膜炎。
- The croup is very slightly rounded, never steep nor falling off. 臀部呈轻微的圆弧形,不能显得陡峭或直接下坠。
- Topline - The back is visibly level from withers to croup. 背线:后背水平,腰部略微圆拱且结实。
- These eyedrops are very effective in treating conjunctivitis. 这种眼药水对治疗结膜炎很有效。
- To improve the choice of conjunctivitis eye drops only OK. 要选择改善结膜炎的眼药水才OK。