- Crude oil production in the Persian Gulf has been nearly flat at just over 20 mbd since the early 1970s. 自1970年代初起,波斯湾原油的产量一直大约持平,每天约只有2000万桶。
- Strong crude oil import growth synchronized with sluggish domestic oil production. 原油进口增长快速,国内油产品却同步下跌。
- The industrial tests were performed on lube base oil production with vacuum cut 2,cut 3,cut 4 and light deasphalted oil from Sandi light crude oil. 采用“老三套”工艺对沙特轻质原油减二线、减三线、减四线及轻脱沥青油生产润滑油基础油进行了工业放大试验。
- In the process of oil field development, there are some disparities between the number of producing wells and crude oil production. 在油田的开发过程中,生产井数与原油产量之间,存在一定的不均衡性。
- Iran's Minister of Oil Gholam-Hossein Nozari said Friday that Iran will cut its crude oil production by 199000 barrels per day from November 1. 伊朗石油部长诺扎里10月31日表示,自11月1日起,伊朗将原油日产量削减19.;9万桶。
- In February, total OPEC crude oil production averaged 29.7 mb/d, according to secondary sources, an increase of 160,000 b/d from last month. 根据二手数据,2月份,欧佩克原油总产量平均为2970万桶/日,比上月增长16万桶/日。
- First retorting built in France, then England, Germany, Spain, etc.Hereafter, due to the development of cheaper crude oil, the shale oil production decreased. 而后页岩油生产由于廉价原油的开来而衰落,又由于世界石油危机而兴起;
- Daqing crude oil production using a high viscosity index base oil and 25 oil-based transformer oil, add antioxidant, anti-rust additives, such as by modulation. 采用大庆原油生产的高粘度指数基础油和25号变压器油为基础油,加入抗氧、防锈等多种添加剂调制而成。
- These resins may be used in water shutoff profile control, pealing pipe line, dewatering of oil product and crude oil, and sewage disposal etc. in petroleum industry. 用于石油工业可作为堵水调剖、管线密封、原油成品油脱水、污水处理等。
- Using by product oil-bearing wax to produce special wax used for low TNT pulverized explosives has the advantages of low production cost and strong competition ability and has popularizing significance for enterprises of wax based crude oil production. 利用副产的含油蜡研制低梯粉状炸药专用蜡成本较低,具有较强的市场竞争力,对我国石蜡基原油生产企业具有一定的推广意义。
- OPEC Secretary-General Badri 17 cities in Oran in Algeria, announced the decision from the OPEC member states on January 1, 2009 to cut crude oil production from 2,200,000 barrels per day. 欧佩克秘书长巴德里17日在阿尔及利亚城市奥兰宣布,欧佩克成员国决定从2009年1月1日起削减原油日产量220万桶。
- By contrast, the global crude oil production capacity will grow at a faster pace compared with 2006.The growth of crude supplies from non-OPEC countries alone will outpace that of global crude demand. 相比之下,全球原油生产能力增长加速,仅非OPEC原油供给增长就将超过全球原油需求的增长。
- For example, the sudden move in the crude oil curve from contango to backwardation last year has its origins in the steady reduction in OPEC and specifically Saudi Arabian crude oil production. 举例来说,2007年,原油远期价格曲线之所以由期货升水状态突然转变为现货升水状态,其根源就在于欧佩克、尤其是沙特的稳步减产。
- He added that this was achieved despite the community obstruction and incidences that militated against realisation of full potential of the country in terms of crude oil production. 他补充说,此产量是在社区的阻挠和影响下,国家原油开采潜力未充分发挥的前提下实现的。
- Chile's copper and saltpeter, Bolivia's tin and antimony, iron and manganese in Brazil, Venezuela's crude oil production, most of the world or the forefront of an important role to play. 铋、锑、银、铍、硫磺、锡、汞、铂、锂、钒、锆、钍、金刚石等矿物储量也很丰富。
- Downstream(relining distrbution of oil products and imternaeional trade in crude oil and petroleum products) and Chemicals. 下游(炼油、成品油销售、原油和各类成品油的国际贸易)和化工。
- The plant converts crude oil into gasoline. 这家工厂将原油加工成汽油。
- China is a country rich in crude oil. 中国是一个原油丰富的国家。
- The tanker took on 200,000 barrels of crude oil. 油轮装载了二十万桶原油。
- The country exports lots of crude oil. 这个国家出口大量原油。