- The rocks were crushed into powder by a gigantic hammer. 巨大的锤子把岩石压成了粉末。
- The machine can crush rocks into powder. 那台机器能把石头碾成粉末。
- This machine is made to crush the rock into powder. 这台机器是用来把石头压成碎末的。
- They all tried to crush into the front seats . 他们都想挤到前排座位上去。
- They all tried to crush into the front seats. 他们都想挤到前排座位上去。
- Some of the audience tried to crush into the front seats. 有些听众试图挤到前排座位。
- She ground the nutmeg down into powder. 她把豆蔻磨成粉末。
- Easily made into powder; friable. 易成粉末的;易脆的
- the edestan is stir-fried with slow fire and is crushed into powder; 将麻仁用文火炒熟并碾成碎末;
- To become pulverized; turn into powder. 被研碎;变成粉末
- The machine crushed the rocks into powder. 机器将石块碾成碎末。
- The machine pounds the stones into powder. 这台机器把石头碾成粉末。
- They are grinding wheat into powder. 他们正在把小麦磨成面粉。
- Thousands of people tried to crush into the few compartments that were only big enough to take several hundreds. 有几千人想挤进那不多的几节车厢,而这几节车厢却只能容纳几百人。
- The people were crushed into the train. 那些人被挤进火车里。
- Use the knife/pencil sharpener to turn the lead of the pencil into powder. 用小刀或削铅笔机把铅笔的笔芯弄成粉末状。
- Karl Fritsch ground gemstones into powder and reassembled them with glue. KarlFritsch将宝石磨成粉末,然后用胶水粘结。
- Over twenty prisoners were crushed into a small dark cell. 二十多名囚犯被塞在一间黑暗狭小的牢房里。
- be crushed into powder 被压成粉
- It is prepared through crushing into fine powder, sieving, mixing, pelletizing, drying, tablet pressing and coating. 其制作方法是:先将郁金等六味药粉碎成细粉,然后与滑石粉配研,过筛、混匀、制成颗粒,干燥后压片,包糖衣即得。