- Mixed asphalt and crushed stone gravel or sand, used for paving or roofing. 沥青混泥土碎石或沙子与沥青的混合物,用于铺路或封层顶
- Put half an inch of gravel or crushed stone inside the holes. 把一半碎石或砾石一寸内洞。
- Mixed asphalt and crushed stone gravel or sand,used for paving or roofing. 沥青混泥土碎石或沙子与沥青的混合物,用于铺路或封层顶
- Hydro-stone consisted of a mixture of gravel, crushed stone, sand, and Portland cement molded under pressure. 是波特兰水泥(即普通水泥),碎石和沙土的混合物在压力下形成的一种石料。
- A dark-gray to black, fine-textured igneous rock composed mainly of feldspar and pyroxene and used for monuments and as crushed stone. 辉绿岩一种贝岩,颜色深灰至黑,带有细微网纹,主要由长石和辉石构成,用作纪念碑或碎石块
- Synchronous crushed stone seal coat technology applied in France were mainly introduced. 主要介绍同步碎石封层技术在法国的应用情况。
- Through the experiments, the mixture ratio of cemented crushed stone backfilling materials was optimized. 通过试验,优化了碎石胶结充填料配比。
- Therefore, he laid a base course of crushed stone on top of a compact footing instead of the costly stone foundation. 因此他就在压紧的路基上铺碎石基层,而不使用造价很高的石块路基。
- A dark - gray to black, fine - textured igneous rock composed mainly of feldspar and pyroxene and used for monuments and as crushed stone. 辉绿岩一种贝岩,颜色深灰至黑,带有细微网纹,主要由长石和辉石构成,用作纪念碑或碎石块
- Paved with huge lava blocks in a bed of crushed stone cemented with lime, the roadway was wide enough to allow two chariots to pass. 铺上巨大的熔岩块一张床碎石水泥石灰,巷道的宽度足以使两驾马车通行。
- Principles and features of method of dry driven crushed stone pile which is adapted to ground treatment of sandy soil and cohesive soil are introduced herein. 本文介绍了干冲碎石桩法处理地基的工作原理及其特点,它具有挤密、置换、排水和垫层等作用。
- According to road foundation construction by weathering crushed stone material, different experimental methods inside are provided to improve its solidness. 文中对风化碎石粒料在作为路面基层施工时,为提高其压实度,提出了不同的室内试验方法。
- This experiment reports using clayish crushed stone for production of aerated concrete.B05 and B06 grade aerated concrete were prepared successfully using different clay content. 本研究利用不同含粘土量的硅质石屑作为硅质材料成功地制备了B05、B06级加气混凝土。
- Against the idea to use lower pass ratio through 4.75mm sieve and replace P.O32.5 by P.O42.5 in a proposed mixture design of cement stabilized crushed stone in a expressway, this paper did some research. 针对某高速公路提出在水泥稳定碎石基层配合比设计时;将混合料中4.;75mm筛孔通过率取下限;将P
- It is a great influence of asphalt stabilized crushed stone's (ASCS) module to the overlay's crack resistance and SIF would increase by the increase of the module of asphalt overlay. 沥青稳定碎石模量对加铺层的抗裂性能有重要影响,裂缝尖端的应力强度因子将随着加铺基层模量的增大而增大;
- From preparation, mechanical construction of waterstable gravel and basal layer to hot mixed asphaltic crushed stone's construction the whole construction process is elaborated in detail. 从工前准备,水泥稳定砂砾基层的机械化施工至沥青碎石面层施工均作了详细说明。
- The foundation liguefaction is resolved first by the vibroflotation crushed stone pile in water conservancy system of Liaoning province, provides the valuable experience for future similar project. 通过对引碧入连供水工程大沙河倒虹吸基础处理的研究,首次在辽宁省水利系统成功地应用搌冲碎石桩来解决基础液化问题,从而为今后类似的工程提供了宝贵的经验。
- Because however here road section the landslide falls the stone, the slope steep valley is deep, the crushed stone trundle, did not look that the accident vehicles and are stranded the personnel. 然而因此处路段因塌方落石,坡陡谷深,碎石滚动,根本看不到事故车辆和被困人员。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- Their devilish schemes were crushed. 他们的毒计被粉碎了。