- Because of its compactness, fineness and unambiguity, formal analysis of cryptographic protocol has been an efficient and correct method step by step. 形式化分析由于其精炼、简洁和无二义性逐步成为分析密码协议的一条可靠和准确的途径。
- Formal analysis of cryptographic protocol becomes international hot spot in researching, the security of cryptographic protocol can be judged by Formal analysis of cryptographic protocol. 摘要密码协议的形式化正在成为国际上研究的热点,通过形式化分析密码协议来判断密码协议是否安全可靠。
- In this paper, a bilateral-authentication cryptographic protocol is proposed.It is a more efficient and secure protocol, which solves the bottleneck problem of the trusted third party. 提出了一个双向的认证密码协议,解决了可信第三方的性能瓶颈问题,是一个更为有效的、安全的密码协议。
- It is a new study direction of cryptograph that detecting potential flaws in cryptographic protocols using formal analysis of cryptographic protocol. 利用形式化分析密码协议的方法来检测密码协议中潜在的安全漏洞,已成为密码学中一个新的研究方向。
- Essential Topics + Cryptographic protocols used in wireless networks. 讲述如何有效的安全防护无线语音以及数据网络。
- CCS-based Cryptographic Protocol Analysis 基于CCS的加密协议分析
- SMV Analysis of TMN Cryptographic Protocol TMN密码协议的SMV分析
- The Spi Calculus :A Cryptographic Protocol Calculus 一个描述密码学安全协议的演算:Spi演算
- timed-release cryptographic protocol Timed-release公钥协议
- undeniable cryptographic protocol 不可否认密码协议
- These works indicate that the ATL logic based on game is more suitable to describe and analyze cryptographic protocols than traditional CTL. 工作表明基于博弈的ATL逻辑比传统的CTL更适合于描述和分析密码协议。
- The formal modeling for cryptographic protocols, namely security protocols, is the basis of their analysis and design. 摘要密码协议分析与设计的基础是对其进行形式化建模。
- A provider type that contains a set of cryptographic protocols and algorithms owned by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 包含国家标准与技术协会拥有的一组加密协议和算法的提供程序类型。
- An automatic generating approach for public key cryptographic protocols is presented.SVO logic is used to describe and verify the protocols. 摘要提出了一种公钥密码体制安全协议的生成方法,用进化策略来生成公钥协议,并采用SVO逻辑来描述和验证公钥协议。
- A proxy signature scheme is proposed based on bilinear paring which is an available tool in constructing cryptographic protocols. 双线性对是近几年发展起来的构造密码体制的一个重要工具,因此一种基于双线性对的代理签名方案被提出来。
- Taking TLS protocol for example, strand space model and theory extended are used to find an attack. In order to avoid the kind of attack, a piece of strategy to be paid attention to is put forward when cryptographic protocols are designed. 以TLS协议为例,利用扩展的串空间模型与理论分析,发现了一个攻击,为了避免此类攻击的发生,提出了设计密码协议时应注意的事项。
- BAN (Burrows, Abadi and Needham) like logic can aid the design, analysis, and verification of cryptographic protocols used over open networks and distributed systems. 类逻辑可以辅助设计、分析和验证网络和分布式系统中的密码协议。
- An extension of CS logic was proposed in this paper, which corrected some defects of CS logic, and extended the logic to analyze the symmetrical key cryptographic protocols. 该扩展逻辑对CS逻辑中存在的一些缺陷进行了修改和扩展,使其不仅可以分析公钥协议,还可以分析对称密钥协议。
- Logic analysis of the cryptographic protocol and its improvements 一种安全协议的逻辑分析与改进
- Running-Mode Analysis of the Three-Party Cryptographic Protocol 三方密码协议运行模式分析法