- ctrue to ones wordadj. 不背其言
- The engineers set to on repair work to the bridge. 工程师奋力进行修桥工作。
- Thank to ones who makes traces in my life. 你这一生最想完成的一件事情,是什么?
- Don't play on words, I can't catch the meaning. 你不要玩文字游戏,我不懂。
- The advertising slogan was a play on words. 那条广告口号是双关语。
- The engineer set to on repair work to the bridge. 工程师奋力进行修桥工作。
- They attempted to on with the work but couldn't. 他们想继续干下去,但不行了。
- Comedies also play on words to create fun. 喜剧也利用双关语制造笑料。
- The option is set to ON by default. 该选项的缺省设置为ON。
- Do not set the TRUSTWORTHY option to ON for the. 数据库将TRUSTWORTHY选项设置为ON。
- Most of the comedians jokes involved a play on words. 喜剧演员的笑话大多是一语双关。
- Buying entirely with cash, as opposed to on margin. 完全用现金购买,与保证金购买相反。
- Healthy. Should be used to on business trips. 健康,能够适应经常出差。
- Set POWER to ON to turn on the radio. 打开收音机。
- A word breaker tokenizes the text being indexed on word boundaries. 将使用断字符、基于词的边界对要索引的文本进行标记化。
- I want to to on a picnic with my friends. 我想和朋友们去野餐。-------[光年网原创
- Publications provide in-depth information on Word 2002 features. 出版物提供有关Word 2002功能的详细信息。
- The act or an instance of playing on words. 俏皮话的行为或实例
- I would like to have a word with you. 我想同你说句话。
- I hope you're like me--hooked on words forever. 我希望你和我一样--永远与文字结不解之缘。