- cucumber preserved in honey 蜜汁黄瓜
- It is better to be preserved in vinegar than to rot in honey. 与其纵人世之欲而丧失身体与灵魂,不如受人世之苦而使心灵得以得救。
- Pickles are cucumbers preserved in vinegar. 泡菜就是把黄瓜等泡在醋里做成的。
- cucumber preserved in sweet paste 甜酱黄瓜
- Meat can be preserved in pickle. 肉可以保存在卤水里。
- Is the amino acid in honey acidity? 蜂蜜中的氨基酸是酸性的吗?
- Preserved in a pot, can, or jar. 壶装的贮存于罐、锅或壶中的
- Wood that has been preserved in a peat bog. 泥炭木,沼木久埋于泥炭沼泽之中的树木
- Preserved in or treated with pickle. 腌制的,腌渍的在盐卤中保存过的,或用盐卤处理的
- Fodder preserved in a silo;silage. 贮窖的饲料贮藏在贮窖中的饲料;青贮作物
- When you shoot an arrow of truth, dip its point in honey. 射出真理的箭,先在蜜里蘸。
- Containing or preserved in alcohol. 含酒精的含有酒精的或保存在酒精中的
- Using refined giantarum starch as clarifier in Honey wine. 用魔芋精粉作为蜂蜜酒的澄清剂,其作用明显优于其他的澄清剂。
- Fodder preserved in a silo; silage. 贮窖的饲料贮藏在贮窖中的饲料;青贮作物
- One specimen is even preserved in the birth canal. 一个样本甚至在产道中被保存了下来。
- Those variants will be preserved in the "struggle for existence". 这些变异将在“生存竞争”中被保留下来。
- A small fraction of the creatures that die are preserved in this way before decay sets in or, even more likely, before scavengers eat them. 只有一小部分死掉的生物在开始腐烂前,或者更可能的情况是,在食腐动物吃掉它们之前如此地保存起来。
- She specializes in honey bees; This plumber specialized in jacuzzis. 她专门研究蜜蜂;这个管道工人专门研究浴缸。
- Ancient documents and archives are well preserved in Tibet. 西藏的文献档案得到妥善保护。
- Preserved in his laboratory are more than a thousand notebooks. 保存在他实验室里的笔记本超过一千本。