- This kind of dual conceptions have important meanings to cultural morphology. 这种二重性对观念文化形态有重大意义。
- They apply Spengler's historical viewpoint of cultural morphology to the study of Chinese history and culture and set up the historical viewpoint of cultural morphology in China. 他们把斯宾格勒的文化形态史观运用到对中国历史文化的考察研究中去,在中国的文化土壤上建立起文化形态史观,他们重视吸收借鉴叔本华、尼采哲学,尤其是尼采哲学。
- Prototypical forest culture generally consists of culture morphology based on tree species, such as pine culture, bamboo culture, tea culture, etc. 原生态的森林文化一般由树种文化(如松文化、竹文化、茶文化等)形态组成,具有明显类的特征。
- The Western Historical Viewpoint of Cultural Morphology in Modern China 西方文化形态史观的中国回应
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。
- Viewing the supersession of the old by the new in cultural morphology from the development of calligraphy arts 从书法艺术发展看文化形态的新陈代谢
- My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。
- Cultural features of Chinese dragon boat racing from perspective of cultural morphology 文化形态学视野下的中国龙舟运动文化特征
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- Variation of Cultural Morphology and Pathogenicity and Their Inter-relation in Sphaeropsis sapinea Isolates 松枯梢病菌的培养性状和致病力变异及其相互关系
- A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation. 小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。
- Cultural exchange is a way of building bridge between nations. 文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁。
- The fiber morphology can be concisely summarized. 可以对棉纤维的形态结构进行扼要地归纳。
- Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum. 博物馆展出了许多出土文物。
- Morphology and syntax of Haitian Creole. 海地克理澳尔语的构词法和语法。
- A study on pollen morphology of the genus Vitis L. 葡萄属植物花粉形态的研究。
- Many people suffered from cultural shock when they came abroad. 许多人到国外时,都感受到文化震撼。
- Spore morphology of Chinese ferns. 中国蕨类植物孢子形态。
- Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between nations. 文化交流是国与国之间建立联系的桥梁。