- In the process of its modernization, China has been in the conflict between cultural universality and cultural particularity ever since the very beginning. 摘要中国在追求现代化的过程中,从一开始就遇到了文化普遍性与文化特殊性之间的矛盾冲突。
- Chinese culture make up of Chinese and other minority langue.The extraordinary splendor culture embodies Chinese cultural particularity. 摘要中国文化由汉语和其他少数民族语言共同负载,形成了异彩纷呈的文化现象,体现了中国文化的特质。
- Therefore, common sayings with cultural particularities underlying may impose great difficulty on drama translation. 因此,具有一定文化特殊性的俗语就为话剧的翻译带来了不小的困难。
- China has its own historical and cultural particularities, but also the specificity of their art. 中国有中国的历史和文化特殊性,也有其艺术的特殊性。
- Compared with general scenic place, several cultural particularities of temple fair were discussed, which were timeliness, extensity, complexity in content, and possibility of comforting spirit. 与一般的风景名胜景观相比,庙会有着不同的文化特质,具有时令的确定性,空间的结节性,主体的广泛性,内容的复合性和精神上的慰籍作用等特点。
- I have nothing particular to do this evening. 今晚我没有什么特殊的事要做。
- Plastic flowers are a particular hate of mine. 塑料花是我特别厌恶的东西。
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- She's very particular about what she wears. 她对衣著很讲究。
- She stressed that point in particular. 她特别强调了那一点.
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。
- I can't point to any one particular reason for it. 那件事我找不出具体原因来。
- Each mineral has crystals of a particular shape. 每种矿物的晶体都有其特殊的形状。
- She is particular about what she eats. 她过分讲究吃。
- My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。
- She is very particular over what she wears. 她对穿著十分讲究。
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- Having no particular directional characteristics. 无定向的具有无特定方向的特征
- Being a member of a particular ethnic group. 种族一员的作为一特定种族集团中的成员的
- A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation. 小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。