- On the East Henan Plains is a city that can boast a singularly long history. This is Kaifeng, a city of immense cultural interest. 河南省豫东平原上,有一座历史非常悠久的文化古城--开封。
- As far as places of cultural interest are concerned, natural landscapes are a kind of carrier and influence weightily places of cultural interest. 自然景观资源是人文景观资源的载体,对人文景观资源的形成有重要影响。
- Bartram can capture the scenes and sights of cultural interest such as various human figures and Indian customs vividly and concisely. 巴特兰用不多的笔墨,就把旅途中耳闻目睹的形形色色的人物、印第安人的种种风俗习惯等人文景观惟妙惟肖地描绘出来。
- Of the many places of cultural interest here, the one that holds out the greatest attractions to sightseers is without doubt the Pavilion of the Old Drunkard. 在诸多名胜古迹之中,最为游人向往的地方,首推醉翁亭。
- He appreciates the stones from the cultural interest, the connoisseurship value and "washes off the trouble of the mind" instead of the stones themselves. 他以极高的禅石悟性从石形联想到中华民族的五十六个民族,又从天灵地象,联想到五谷丰登。
- Naturalization of a new culture is always faster among the young. 对新文化的采纳在年轻人中总是快一些。
- He was one of the apostles of the new culture. 他曾是新文化的倡导者之一。
- Poverty is the norm. Scant attention is paid to their particular cultural interests and heritage. 贫困是他们标准的生活方式,对他们独特的文化兴趣与传统很少给予关注。
- Poverty is the norm . Scant attention is paid to their particular cultural interests and heritage . 贫困是他们标准的生活方式,对他们独特的文化兴趣与传统很少给予关注。
- Greece, the cradle of Western culture. 希腊,西方文化的发源地。
- His music reflects his interest in African culture. 他的音乐反映了他对非洲文化的兴趣。
- Greek culture penetrated Persia through the medium of the Syrians. 通过叙利亚人作媒介,希腊文化渗透到波斯。
- famous villages of historical and cultural interest 历史文化名村
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的; 不文明的
- The culture areas are essentially coincident with language areas. 文化区与语言区基本重合。
- An endangered species; an endangered culture. 濒临绝种的生物种类; 濒临绝传的文化
- More than half of modern culture depend on what one shall not read. 现代文化的一半以上,有赖于不应读的东西。
- The rebirth of dressage coincided with the upsurge of classical art and literature during the Renaissance period when, along with the general revival in cultural interests, dressage was established as an important activity. 盛装舞步与文艺复兴时期古典艺术和文学不约而同同时兴起.;伴随着文学的广泛复兴;盛装舞步成为了一项非常重要的运动
- Beijing is a good city for anyone who is interested in culture. 对于喜欢文化艺术的人来说,北京是座很吸引人的城市。
- The balance of the wages was devoted to new books on flower culture. 剩下来的工资全用来购买花卉栽培的新书上了。