- Yi li area is in the edge of middle of Asia,it is interactional with middle of Asia oneconomy,culture and nation. 伊犁地处中亚的边缘,经济、文化、民族都与中亚方面相互影响。
- Well, they do have the power of culture and nationalism but then again if we napalm their rice then they will starve. 当然他们有很强的文化和民族主义精神,但还是那样,如果我们能炸了他们的稻田那他们就会挨饿,而且我们可以在短兵相接的战斗中不费吹灰之力就能取胜,中国空手道根本不是美国拳击的对手,干净漂亮的一拳就能把中国人打飞。
- Taking trait theory as the main line, we inquire into the far-reaching influence of cultural factors on personality and combine cross-cultural study with the discussion about the differences between culture and nation in "Big Five" model. 我们以人格特质论的研究为主线,探讨了文化因素对人格的深远影响,并结合跨文化研究论证了人格的"大五因素"模型下的文化与民族差异。
- The nature of our society has not changed,we will always be walking on a tight rope to maintain a balance between ethnic culture and national identity. 社会的本质未变,我们要在本族文化和国家认同之间取得平衡,永远是困难重重。
- From the very beginning, the culture of Chinese traditional festival has been a connotation of the profound traditional culture and national spirit. 中华传统节庆文化之中,自来就蕴涵了厚重真切的传统文化和民族精神内涵。
- Primitive in culture and customs; uncivilized. 野蛮的,未开化的文化和习惯原始的; 不文明的
- Besides,the differentiation of dietary culture and national cus toms has determined the multi-plicity of liquor body design. 根据饮食文化、风土人情的差异,酒体设计必须多样化;
- Before twentieth century the American Catholic Church is charactered by its European immigrant culture and national feeling. 20世纪以前的美国天主教会带有明显的欧洲移民的民族性和国家性;
- Each country has its own history,culture and national conditions,which decide that each country's protection of freedom of religious belief has its own characteristics. 各国的历史、文化和国情不同,这决定了各国保护宗教信仰自由的实践会有不同的特点。
- We must build unity of family,community and nation. 我们必须建立统一的家庭;社会和国家.
- The nature of our society has not changed, we will always be walking on a tight rope to maintain a balance between ethnic culture and national identity. 社会的本质未变,我们要在本族文化和国家认同之间取得平衡,永远是困难重重。
- There should be a close relationship between Taiwan and Okinawa, including in race, historical geography, culture and national defense.After the Second World War, U. 然而,无论从人种、历史地理、文化、与国防等各个层面,台湾与冲绳社会之间却存在著紧密的关系。
- Is following the wave which immigrates, numerous different races and nationality's culture and tradition gradually in this piece of length and breadth new continent rebirth. 伴随着移民的潮涌,众多不同种族和民族的文化与传统逐渐在这片广袤的新大陆上重生。
- The scenic area skillfully integrates karst cave with the valley, waterfall, life culture and national folklores, and organically combined natural scenery with human landscapes. 景区把溶洞、峡谷、叠水、生命文化、民族风情巧妙融为一体,自然风光和人文景观有机结合。
- I have a culture and art practice in my company. 我公司开办一项文化和艺术业务。
- Let him go to centres of culture and civilization. 让他到文化和文明的中心地去吧。
- My translation: In 1975, Sinica Academy, State mapping Bureau and National Physical Culture and Sports Commission of China formed the joint scientific reviewing team, climbing the summit of Zhumulangma. 1975年,中国科学院、中国国家测绘局和中国国家体委组成联合登山科学考察队,登上珠峰之巅。
- Jewish Culture and Education IV. 犹太文化教育研究。
- There is a relationship of action and retroaction between object making culture and national psyche: national psyche affect object making, and meanwhile object using will deepen the national psyche. 造物文化与民族心理之间存在着作用与反作用的关系:民族心理影响造物,物的使用又会反过来深化民族心理。
- Net salary is gross salary minus tax and national insurance deduction. 净工资是工资总额减去税收和扣除国民保险。