- Cumulative distribution curve of particle size 粒度累积分布曲线
- cumulative distribution curves 累积分布曲线
- A distribution curve in which the frequencies are cumulative. 累积曲线用以累计频率的分布曲线
- cumulative distribution curve 累积分布曲线
- If cumulative is TRUE, EXPONDIST returns the cumulative distribution function; if FALSE, it returns the probability density function. 如果cumulative为TRUE,函数EXPONDIST返回累积分布函数;如果cumulative为FALSE,返回概率密度函数。
- They can be expressed by the nonlinear equation for the Cdf (cumulative distribution function)of generalized noncentral t-distribution. 它们可用广义非中心t-分布的分布函数的非线性方程表出。
- The GAM peak (-0.13) centered most closely to zero with the shortest tails (-2.13 to 2.79) in an empirical cumulative distribution plot. 另外,以经验累积分布图来分析,广义累进模型的尖峰值(-0.;13)最接近零误差中心,同时双尾间距最小(-2
- There are two apexes on the radial temperature distribution curves of slurry atomization area. 浆液雾化区径向温度呈双峰分布。
- Furthermore, their molecular weight distribution curves were unimodal through out the polymerization process. 从GPC曲线可以看出,在整个聚合中,产物的分子量分布始终为单峰分布。
- The distribution curves of light intensity of orthogonal biprism interference is made from experimental results. 通过实验结果作出正交双棱镜干涉的光强度分布曲线.
- A comparison of the experimental and calculated distribution curves should provide a robust check of the adequacy of this model. 将实验测得的和计算所得的分布曲线进行比较,应该对这个模型是否合适这一问题提供有力的校验。
- The results indicate that the distribution curves of axial forces and sectional settlement are protuberant, which is contrary to top-loaded piles. 结果表明:托桩桩身轴力、位移沿桩身分布呈上弯分布,与压桩的下弯分布相反。
- Utilizing an approximate formula of the first kind zero-order modified Bessel function I 0(x), an approximate closed form of cumulative distribution function(CDF) of a Rice random variable (RRV) is worked out. 应用第一类零阶修正的贝塞尔函数I0 (x)一个近似式 ,推导Rice随机变量的概率分布函数 (CDF)的近似闭式。
- Finally, the numerical solutions of the azimuthal velocity were calculated and the corresponding distribution curves were draw out by assuming some param... 最后,通过给定的参数计算了旋转库特流切向速度分布的数值解,并绘制了相应的切向速度分布曲线。
- The residence time distribution curves were detected by changing dams, weirs and stoppers and the factors that influence the fluid flow in the tundish were also analyzed. 根据相似原理,以水模拟钢液在中间包内的流动特征。通过改变挡墙、塞棒等参数,测定停留时间分布曲线,分析了影响中间包内流体流动的因素。
- Cumulative distributions have the disadvantage that they can increase or decrease with increasing size depending on definition. 累积分布不利的方面是,它们可能固定义不同而随尺度的增加而增加或减少。
- The motion and dynamics of the yain on the navel are analyzed to study the twist distribution inside the rotor, and the distribution curves are obtained by numerical methods. 通过对纱条在假捻盘上的运动和受力分析;对转杯纺杯内的捻度分布进行研究;并得到了杯内捻度分布的一般规律.
- empirical cumulative distribution functio 经验累积分布函数;经验累积分布函数
- The latter has unconventionally rich LREE with steep right_dipping REE distribution curves, suggesting that its generation might have been linked to shallow intermediate_basic orogenic magmatism. 后者异常富集轻稀土元素、配分曲线向右倾陡,其成因可能与造山期中基性浅成岩浆作用有关。
- Linearized sample cumulative distribution frequency 线性化样本累积分布频数