- Currency devaluation and currency appreciation. 货币贬值和货币升值。
- Foreign hot money, too, has turned tail as currency appreciation abated. 随着人民币升值放缓,海外热钱也已抽身而退。
- Discerning the negative impact of currency appreciation is trickier. 要洞察货币升值的负面影响更不容易。
- Currency appreciation, while good for overseas investors, is crimping profitability at Korean and Indian exporters. 货币升值对海外投资者有利,但也压榨了韩国和印度出口商的利润率。
- Beijing can live with currency appreciation that does not jeopardise job creation. 只要人民币的升值幅度没有危及创造就业,中国政府就可以容忍。
- Currency appreciation, while good for overseas investors, is crimping profitability at KoreanIndian exporters. 货币升值对海外投资者有利,但也压榨了韩国和印度出口商的利润率。
- But Lardy is not optimistic that with a difficult global environment China will allow a faster currency appreciation. 但是拉底不是一个乐观主义者,在一个困难的全球环境中,中国将容许一个更快的市价评估.
- On the back of rising commodity prices, currency appreciation can work as a disinflationary force. 在初级产品价格攀升的情况下,货币升值有可能发挥抑制通胀的作用。
- Allowing meaningful currency appreciation while exports are flagging would run counter to its mercantilist tradition. 允许人民币在出口滑坡的情况下出现幅度较大的升值,有悖于中国的重商主义传统。
- The sector has long been the most overcrowded and under pressure from currency appreciation. 而纺织品行业早已竞争过渡并受升值的影响最大。
- Momentary currency appreciation aside, however, there is no sign of a move to the euro as a global currency. 然而,抛开暂时的货币升值不谈,丝毫没有迹象表明,人们正逐渐把欧元当作一种全球货币。
- About one-third of the projected increase in the dollar value of the BRICs' GDPs comes from real currency appreciation rather than real growth. 若以美元来衡量他们的GDP总量,则其GDP预期增长的三分之一来自于实际货币升值而非真正的经济增长。
- The textile sector is a huge employer with threadbare margins that have been worn away by currency appreciation and rising input costs. 纺织行业提供了大量的就业机会,而它的利润却被人民币升值及日益上涨的投入成本所蚕食。
- Japanese industry, which was also scorched by strong currency appreciation, has risen from the fire like the phoenix. Can we do the same? 也曾遭到汇率大幅升值命运的日本产业,已如火浴后的千羽鹤,骄傲地再生;我们是不是也能?
- If China had delivered the past two years' currency appreciation in one go it might now be getting less flak from its detractors in America. 为了证明人民币并不会单边上扬,人民银行可能会在近期让人民币小幅贬值。
- International Hot Money flees hither and thither.The affluence of Hot Money results in the currency appreciation and an effluence results a depreciation. 国际热钱全球流窜,热钱流入任一国则该国货币升值,反之则贬值;
- Some policymakers, though, apparently also want to reintroduce export subsidies for sectors most hurt by the currency appreciation that has already taken place. 一些决策层近期还想再推荐对那些本币升值最受损害,并已经蒙受损失的行业给予出口补贴。
- He had told the Chinese it was impossible to build world-class capital markets with joint venture firms and had pressed for faster currency appreciation. 他向中国代表团表示,通过合资公司建立世界级资本市场是不可能的,同时要求加速人民币汇率升值。
- Sure, productivity gains and currency appreciation can absorb some of the impact, but they do little to temper the inflationary expectations of farmers, shops and consumers. 的确,生产率提高和人民币升值可以消化部分影响,但它们无助于缓和农民、商家和消费者的通胀预期。
- "However, the fundamental reasons behind the currency appreciation still remain the same: pressure from the foreign exchange reserves and mounting trade surplus," the economist said. 他说:"但是,人民币升值的根本原因主要还是来自外汇储备的压力和不断扩大的贸易顺差。