- Our price is much lower than the current market price. 我们现在的价格比市场价已经低很多了。
- Current market price of the actual physical commodity. Also called "spot price. 实际的现货商品的目前市场价格,也叫“现货价”。
- Then you would place a call to your stockbroker, who would enter an order to buy the 100 shares at the current market price. 那么你就要向你的股票经纪人提出要求。然后他就发出按当时的市场价格购进100手这种股票的指令。
- However,if the gold price falls,instead,you would sustain a loss having to buy gold at a price much higher than the current market price. 然而,如果金价下跌,你将会蒙受亏损,因为你得以比市价还要高的价钱购买黄金。
- However, if the gold price falls, instead, you would sustain a loss having to buy gold at a price much higher than the current market price. 然而,如果金价下跌,你将会蒙受亏损,因为你得以比市价还要高的价钱购买黄金。
- Gladly. Here's our offer, 31GLADLY francs per ton, F.O.B., Marseilles. You will notice the quotation is much lower than the current market price. 好的.;这是我们的报盘:每吨31GLADLY法郎
- Gladly. Here's our offer, 31FRANCS francs per ton, F.O.B., Marseilles. You will notice the quotation is much lower than the current market price. 好的.;这是我们的报盘:每吨31FRANCS法郎
- Gladly. Here's our offer, 31QUOTATION francs per ton, F.O.B., Marseilles. You will notice the quotation is much lower than the current market price. 好的.;这是我们的报盘:每吨31QUOTATION法郎
- Therefore, the current market price is high circulation of the product market fallacies, the government should never believed this theory not as. 因此,目前市场上流传着的高房价是市场产物的谬论,政府决不应听信此论而不作为。
- Gladly. Here's our offer, 310 francs per ton, F.O.B., Marseilles. You will notice the quotation is much lower than the current market price. 好的.;这是我们的报盘:每吨310法郎
- Comparatively, at present goes on the market the rotatable debt transfers shares of stock the base stock this to be higher than 30% compared to the current market price. 相比之下,目前上市的可转债的转股价基本都比当前市价高出30%25。
- It is understood that the current market price of the basic building materials of wood and furniture stability, the impact of tsunamis to plate market has yet appeared. 据了解,目前市场上的木材和装潢建材价格基本稳定,海啸给板材市场造成的影响目前尚未显现。
- The exhibit is also interactive, allowing visitors to step on the scales to find out what their weight would be worth in gold at current market prices. 展览会同样是生动的,允许参观者到到一个秤上测出他们的体重值多少折合金子现行的市场价上。
- Fair-value accounting, which pegs assets to current market prices rather than their historic value, leads to downward (and upward) spirals in asset prices, and hence leverage. 挂钩于资产的现时市场价值而非历史价值的公允价值会计引发了资产价格内的下行(亦上上行)螺旋,并进而带来杠杆的运用。
- Difference between the current market price of a security and its issue price (指公债和股票)超过正常或市面的价值, 溢价。
- Here is this week's market price for sheep. 这是本星期的羊市价格。
- Carried at current market price; 按当日市价计;
- When markets are booming, or even just stable, selling "out-of-the-money" put options, with a strike price far below the current market price of the asset, is a route to easy money. 当市场繁荣或较为平稳时,以远低于标的资产市场现价的执行价格卖出“价外”卖出期权根本就是在捡钱。
- Per capita GDP in Hong Kong has more than doubled in real terms,equivalent to an average annual growth rate of about 4 per cent in real terms. In 1999,it reached US$23,200 at current market prices. 本港按人口平均计算的本地生产实质总值是20年前的两倍余,相等于每年平均实质增加约4%25,以当时市价计算,一九九九年的数字达23,200美元。
- Per capita GDP in Hong Kong has more than doubled in real terms, equivalent to an average annual growth rate of about 4 per cent in real terms. In 1999, it reached US$23,200 at current market prices. 本港按人口平均计算的本地生产实质总值是20年前的两倍余,相等于每年平均实质增加约4%25,以当时市价计算,一九九九年的数字达23,200美元。