- current domestic value 现行国内价格
- Domestic value added The value added to a product by local or domestic activities. 国内附加值指本地或国内的活动为产品带来的增加的价值。
- But unchecked inflation would also erode the domestic value of foreign assets and in a more damaging way. 但是不确定的通货膨胀率将以更糟糕的方式侵蚀外过资产的国内价值。
- However, the current domestic law on the risk-remoteness mechanism in securitization is not perfect. 我国现行法律对风险隔离的规定尚不完善。
- The current domestic intelligentized fire detecting technology is too laggard to discover the hidden trouble in advance and prevent the fine effectively. 当前国内智能化火灾探测技术滞后,无法及时发现火灾隐患行之有效的避免火灾的发生。
- Practical applications of SVC and STATCOM to electrified railways are set forth and compared.The way fit in current domestic applications is suggested. 较为详细地介绍了SVC和STATCOM在电气化铁道中的具体应用,并进行了比较,指出适合中国当前国情的应用方式。
- The company has first-class standard of plant and the current domestic advanced EPE (pearl cotton), sponge deep-processing equipment. 公司拥有一流标准厂房和目前国内先进的EPE(珍珠绵)、海绵深加工设备。
- Should the domestic solar market be significantly expanded, current domestic BOS production capacity will not be sufficient. 如果中国的国内太阳能市场要显著扩张,目前的平衡部件生产能力显然是不够的。
- Zhi Cong pointed out that the current domestic financial institutions to hire "foreign executives," the cost is still relatively high. 何智聪指出,目前国内金融机构聘请“洋高管”的成本还是比较高的。
- Several suggestions are made on the beneficiation of hematite ores in Nanfen region in combination with the progress in current domestic ... 结合目前国内赤铁矿选矿技术的进展,提出了对该地区赤铁矿选矿的几点建议。
- The current domestic engineering design specifications need to be modified correspondently in order to meet the new requirements. 国内现行的工程设计规范需要做相应的修改,以满足新的需求。
- Aniline is an important organic chemical materials.The current domestic production processes using gas nitrobenzene deoxidized by hydrogen. 苯胺是一种重要的有机化工原料,目前国内生产均采用硝基苯气相加氢还原工艺。
- However, the reality with this assumption on the contrary, the current domestic market is essentially a monopoly or oligopoly. 但是,现实与这条假定恰恰相反,目前国内房地产市场基本上是一个垄断或寡头垄断的市场。
- Guardians increase daily expenditure on child body, makes expend of children clothing as one of important disbursements for current domestic family life. 家长在孩子们身上的开支日益增加,使童装消费成为当前国内家庭生活消费的重要支出之一。
- The Panel also discussed the current domestic rent policy for public rental housing estates and measures taken to help tide tenants over the economic downturn. 事务委员会亦讨论现时所实施的公屋租户租金政策,以及为协助租户渡过经济时艰所采取的措施。
- The more important, current domestic wholesaling organization is operating by the theory of traditional circulation economy, without structural adjustment. 更为重要的是,目前国内的流通批发组织基本上是按传统流通经济学理论设置与运行的,尚未进行大的组织结构调整与优化创新。
- The article introduces the classification for anti-caking agents and the current domestic and worldwide production conditions, and forecasts its development trend. 摘要介绍了复混肥防结块剂的分类及国内外生产现状,以及复混肥防结块剂的市场发展情况。
- Current domestic outfit trend still holds to " natural beauty is consummate " powerful momentum, the aesthetic interest of people changes natural and plain environment stealthily. 当前的家装潮流仍然坚持“天然美至上”的强劲势头,人们的审美爱好静静转移到自然质朴的环境上。
- Briefed in the paper is the current domestic situation concerning demand of medium-sized mandrels.The feasibility for producing such mandrel with pilger pipe mill is analyzed. 简要说明了国内中直径芯棒的需求情况,分析了皮尔格轧机生产中直径芯棒的可行性。
- The article first introduces the current domestic and international research on bullwhip effect, then presents the background and significance of this article and its research. 接着分析了服装产品的消费特点和我国服装行业面临的主要问题,描述了服装供应链以及服装供应链管理的基本目标和内容;