- Rational Application of Current Ratio Standard 合理使用电流比例标准
- current ratio standard 电流比例标准
- What is the current ratio for the above firm? 上述公司的流动比率是多少?
- The Effect of Cs/O Activation Current Ratio on GaAs Photocathode[J]. 引用该论文 邹继军;常本康;杜晓晴;陈怀林;王惠;高频.
- Third, the selection of methods of inventory valuation can affect the figure of current ratio. 第三,存货计价方式的选择也会影响流动比率的数值。
- Thus, apart from the current ratio and quick ratio, analysts may use the cash ratio to evaluate the immediate solvency. 于是,除了流动比率和速动比率外,分析者可能会使用现金比率来评价即时的支付能力。
- The computed figures show that the current ratio has realized a tangible improvement from 1997 to 2004. 计算结果显示,该公司的流动比率从1997年度到2004年度有了较大的改善。
- This paper analyzes the influences to current ratio by turnover speed of receivables. 文章着重分析和探讨了应收帐款的周转速度对流动比率的影响。
- Current Ratio Indicator of company's ability to pay short-term obligations; calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. 流动比率企业履行短期债务责任能力的指标,计算方法为流动资产除以流动负债。
- Being as we are the factory of the world, thel current ratio is completely normal.Just as it's normal that we stand to overtake America! 我们既然是世界工厂,现在的比例是完全不正常的,将来应该超越美国才正常嘛!
- Suggestions put forward by participants included: maintaining the current ratio, and setting the number of subscribers required for nomination at 50 and 100. 嘉宾提出的意见包括维持提名人数比例不变,也有意见认为提名人数应为50人及100人。
- The maximal peak-to-valley current ratio (PVCR) of the forward direction connection RTT is about 2.2 and the maximal PVCR of the backward direction connection RTT is about 4.6. 测试结果表明:在室温下,器件具有明显的栅控负阻特性,正接型RTT的最大峰谷电流之比在2.;2左右,反接型RTT的最大峰谷电流之比在4
- Nurse Staffing Ratio standard (NSR standard) 护理人力配置基准
- The current ratio of female subject to breast cancer through life in Japan is approximately 1/25 that is rapidly approaching to a bigger number such as 1/13 in some areas in the world. 日本女性患乳腺癌的几率接近1/25,在世界的一些地方这种病的发病几率接近1/13。
- If the price of rental rates (1985 and 100) for comparison, The current ratio as high as 249.92 Shikoku, 272.45, 194.28 and 203.58, the price of rent, compared with 1985 high two to three times. 如以售价对租金比率(1985年同为100)作比较,该四国的比率现时高达249.;92、272
- The SiGe compounds with different Ge contents bulk material was used to fabricate MSM photodetectors.I-V results shown that sample with higher Ge content has lower photo-to-dark current ratio. 而以锗含量不同的材料制作金半金光检测器来做比较亦可以发现锗含量愈高的试片,其光暗电流比愈小,这是由于锗含量愈高的试片其内部缺陷愈多,造成暗电流愈大所致。
- In 2006, the current ratio and the quick ratio of the company rose fast.The inventory turnover ratio was high.The cashability of the current assets was strong and outperformed the industry average. 06年公司流动比率和速动比率上升较快,存货周转率处于较高水平,公司流动资产变现能力较强,优于同行业水平。
- Demand is outstripping current production. 现在需求逐渐超过了生产能力。
- She broadcasts on current affairs. 她发表时事广播演说。
- Our language goes current along the seacoast. 我们的语言通用于沿海一带。