- Displays the address of the current stack frame. 显示当前堆栈帧的地址。
- To set the current stack frame to the second frame. 以便将当前堆栈帧设置为第二个帧。
- Execute to end of current stack frame. 执行到当前堆栈结构结束为止。
- Object that corresponds to a frame above the current stack frame. 初始化与当前堆栈帧之上的帧对应的新。
- Then the current stack frame is set to that frame (in this case, the second frame). 则当前堆栈帧设置为该帧(在此种情况下,为第二个帧)。
- The expression is evaluated in the context of the current stack frame, and the results are displayed in the Expressions view of Display window. 表达式是在当前堆栈帧的上下文中求值的,其结果显示在Display窗口的Expressions视图中。
- Moves the active stack frame down. 下移活动堆栈帧。
- Moves the active stack frame up. 上移活动堆栈帧。
- Set Current Stack Frame Command “设置当前堆栈帧”命令
- current stack frame 当前栈帧,当前栈框架
- A stack frame is essentially the same as a function call. 堆栈帧实质上是与函数调用相同。
- Method to obtain a specific stack frame in a stack trace. 方法可获取堆栈跟踪中的特定堆栈帧。
- Gets the absolute address range of the stack frame represented by this. 表示的堆栈帧的绝对地址范围。
- If you do not specify an argument, the stack frame pointer moves up one frame. 如果没有指定参数,堆栈帧指针将上移一帧。
- The -v option provides verbose information about each displayed stack frame. v选项为显示的每个堆栈帧提供详细信息。
- Moves the stack frame pointer down the stack toward frames called by the current frame for inspection purposes. 出于检查的目的,将堆栈帧指针沿堆栈向下朝当前帧所调用的帧移动。
- Moves the stack frame pointer up the stack toward frames that called the current frame for inspection purposes. 出于检查目的,将堆栈帧指针沿堆栈向上朝当前帧所调用的帧移动。
- Object to retrieve the total number of stack frames, working backwards from the current procedure. 属性通过从当前过程向后执行方式,检索堆栈帧的总数。
- Otherwise, it assumes the provided address as a valid stack frame start address and attempts to traceback. 否则,它假定所提供的地址是有效的堆栈帧起始地址并设法进行回溯。
- Double-click a stack frame in the Call Stack window to change the context to that function call. 在“调用堆栈”窗口中双击堆栈帧,以更改函数调用的上下文。