- Sets current mouse cursor position. 设定当前的鼠标指针位置。
- Replace marked data at cursor position? 替换光标位置标记的数据?
- English: Left click to change cursor position. 按住鼠标左键改变光标定位。
- Method effectively places the result set into insert mode, and cursor positioning methods terminate insert mode. 方法有效地使结果集变成插入模式,游标定位方法则终止插入模式。
- The moveToInsertRow method effectively places the result set into insert mode, and cursor positioning methods terminate insert mode. moveToInsertRow方法有效地将结果集置于插入模式,而游标定位方法会终止插入模式。
- New cursor position read and saved. To display the Hit message. 新指针位置被读且保存。显示请按下键提示信息。
- Capture desktop color and picture from mouse cursor position and save picture. 从鼠标光标位置捕获桌面颜色和图像并且保存图像。
- New cursor position read and saved. To display the Hit
message.新指针位置被读且保存。显示请按下键提示信息。 - Spell check all text from the current cursor position to the end of the file. 检查从当前的光标位置到文件结尾全部文本的拼写。
- The camera and cursor position are not centered over your town hall when the map is finished loading. 当地图读取完成以后,萤幕和滑鼠的位置并不在你基地的中央。
- Vertical cursor position on the screen display of a screen. Counting begins at line 1. 在屏幕上显示的纵向指针的位置。从第1行开始。
- Changes in the mouse cursor position, keyboard state, and mouse button state are tracked. 跟踪鼠标光标位置、键盘状态和鼠标按钮状态的更改。
- If there are no non-blank, non-comment lines between the current cursor position and the end of the file. 如果在当前光标位置到文件末尾之间没有非空、非注释行,则返回。
- Pt Specifies the cursor position, in screen coordinates, when the message was posted. 指明消息发送的坐标其实消息结构也没有什么可多说的地方。
- Merge - Merges selected vertices into a single one, at the barycenter position or at the cursor position. 合并-合并选择的顶点为一个单点,这个合并的点在重心位置或光标位置。
- Cursor position An optional positional parameter allows the cursor to be moved before a row is fetched. cursor position一个可选定位参数,它允许在读取行之前移动游标。
- English: The spellcheck starts at the current cursor position, or at the beginning of the text selection. 拼写检查从光标当前所在的位置或选定文字的起始位置开始。
- Record the cursor position after the message WH_MouseWhole or WH_Mousemove. And record it into an array. 如何记录鼠标的运行轨迹,同时记录鼠标在轨迹上的形状?
- If the cursor positioning call made while in insert mode does not succeed, the cursor position after the failed call is the original cursor position before moveToInsetRow was called. 如果在插入模式下进行的游标定位调用未获成功,则调用失败之后的游标位置为调用moveToInsetRow之前的原始游标位置。
- Displays the Code Snippet Picker, which allows you to select a snippet using IntelliSense and then inserts the code snippet at the cursor position. 显示代码段选择器,该工具允许使用IntelliSense选择一个代码段,然后将该代码段插入光标所在位置。