- To protect the folk culture, we may activate the folkways cultural resources by developing rationally the folk custom tourism, establishing the protection zones of folk culture and using the modern science and technology to record and preserve them. 对民俗文化的保护,可在合理开发民俗旅游中盘活民俗文化资源,创建民俗文化保护区,利用高科技手段记录和保存。
- Ethnic culture tourism mean ethnic folk customs tourism mosdy. There were much modes to open out it. 民族文化旅游主要指少数民族民俗文化旅游,目前已有多种类型的开发方式。
- folklore custom tourism resources 民俗旅游资源
- the resources of folk custom tourism 民俗旅游资源
- Flok Custom Tourism Resources of Putian and Their Exploitation 莆田民俗旅游资源及其开发
- The Study on Development of flok Custom tourism of the City Urumqi 乌鲁木齐城市民俗旅游形象发展研究
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- The island has been ruined by tourism. 该岛毁在旅游业上了。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- Initial Research On the Folk Custom Tourism of the Ethnic Group - Hezhe 略论赫哲族民俗旅游开发
- Tourism is at its peak in August. 旅游业在八月份达到高峰。
- The country's economy is dependent on tourism. 该国经济依赖於旅游业。
- Tourism was then still in its infant stage. 旅游业当时还处在初创阶段。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。
- The island has been untouched by tourism. 该岛未受旅游业的影响。
- Custom formality is carried out on the quayside. 海关手续是在码头区办理的。
- Have you fille out your custom form? 您填完海关的上应表格了吗?
- The custom has been known from of old. 这种习俗是古代遗风。
- The foreigner knew the local custom very well. 这位外国人对当地的风俗非常熟悉。
- The custom has descended to our day. 这一习俗一直传到今天。