- Can analyses customer demand &commit can do. 分析客户需求;并确认可行性.
- Perform/support PPAP measurements to meet customer demands. 执行或者支持PPAP测量活动以达到客户的需求。
- Changes supersede plans. Customer demands supersede changes. 计画永远赶不上变化,变化抵不上客户一通电话。
- The product was developed in response to customer demand. 为了满足顾客的需要,开发了这种产品。
- We will meet the customer demand for privacy protection. 我们将满足客户对隐私保护的需求。
- The size,shape and light varing mode is configurable on customer demands. 可根据客户的要求,定制各种尺寸、造型及各种灯光控制变化。
- We'll try to meet the customers' demands. 我们将尽力满足客户的需求。
- Adjustment and coordination of production plan and customer demands. 生产计划和客户需求的调整,协调。
- We offer physical packaging operating service according to customer demand. 根据不同的合作协议,可以为客户提供物理包装运作服务。
- The crux of getting winning is that our products could meet more customer demands than our opponents. 创新的根本在于比竞争对手更多的满足客户的情感需求。
- May depend on customer demand dinking die each kind of specification. 可依客户需求裁切各种规格.
- In recent years, customer demand for steel increasing diversity of species. 近年来,客户对钢材品种的需求越来越多样化。
- Make feedback of other customer demand beside the set company strategy. 及时反馈客户在公司战略发展外的其他需求。
- Overheads also mounted in pace with tightened labour laws in China and customer demands in code of conduct. 中国收紧了劳工法例,加上客户更趋严谨的行为守则,亦令经营开支增加。
- This extensive product range has been driven by our commitment to customer demands and continuous improvement. 我们之所以能够提供如此广泛的产品,是源于我们对满足客户需求及持续改善的承诺。
- NTN bearing imports, but also in accordance with Customer demands made of various non-standard bearings. NTN进口轴承,还可根据客户要求订做各类非标轴承。
- Marrison ribbons have been developed to satisfy customer demands for highly efficient and high-speed printing. 高效率且快速的列印-可满足世界各厂牌列印机的要求。
- The studying of customer demands identify will be more scientific and more quantifiable in the future. 未来的顾客需求识别研究必将向更科学、更定量化的方向迈进。
- The unhomogeneity about enterprise resourses and customer demands is a base of the differential strategy. 企业资源与顾客需求的异质性是差异化战略存在的基础。
- No one person can deal with all of today's rapid-fire changes, competitive threats, and escalating customer demands. 今天没有人能处理如此快速的变化、竞争的威胁和逐步上升的客户需求。