- customer rs man 替证券经纪人拉生意的人
- We shall always endeavour to meet our customer rs requirement in regard to delivery. 我们应该在送货方面努力满足消费者的需求。
- trade of processing with customer rs materials 米料加工贸易
- customer rs letter of credit liability 客户信用证负债
- customer rs final acceptance check 用户的最终验收
- customer rs acceptance liability 客户的保证负债
- The robber the man found in the bank was a rough customer. 那个人在银行中发现的强盗是一个难以对付的家伙。
- The customer is liable for breakage. 顾客对破损承担法律责任。
- the country rs manned space program 国家载人太空计划
- The custom impound the whole cargo. 海关没收了全部的船货。
- The old man rs beard fell over his chest. 这位老人的髯须垂在胸前。
- I want them to do away with this feudal custom. 我希望他们废除这一封建陋俗。
- One man rs guess is as good as another rs. 猜测终究是猜测而已
- The customer will go to law for the bad service. 这位顾客将为此恶劣服务诉诸法律。
- One man rs fault is other man rs lesson. 前车之鉴。
- As soon as I get through custom I jump into a taxi. 我一通过海关就跳进了一辆计程车。
- bailee rs customers rs insurance 受托人代客保险
- Custom formality is carried out on the quayside. 海关手续是在码头区办理的。
- It is good to learn at another man rs cost. 前车可鉴。
- The customer laughed as he spoke. 客户边谈边笑。