- Customer Network Management Identifier Number 用户网络管理识别号
- customer network management 用户网络管理程序
- BPDU and network management messages are processed. BPDU和网络管理消息仍将被处理。
- The success in the distribution network management could be measured by the quality of service that the dealer is giving to the customer. 分销网络成功与否,可以通过经销商对用户的服务质量来衡量。
- Deletes a non-persistent route used for network management. 删除一个网络管理使用的非永久路由。
- Mr. Wang Yan: the Future of the Click Network Management. 新锐访谈点击网络经营的未来。
- Beijing Gochance Network Management Technology Co., Ltd. 项目管理者联盟。
- This article discusses BWA and related network management function. 随着BWA网络的发展,网络设备数量和种类增加,与之相关的网络管理将越来越重要。
- This system is applied to network management for booth in the city. 该系统适用于城市公用电话自动计费器的网络管理。
- How can be firewall strengthened better inside network management? 防火墙如何能更好地加强内网管理?
- The full name of the SNMP is the Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP的全称是简单网络管理协议。
- Setup has disabled and reset the custom network adapter settings on a Terminal Server connection. After setup finishes, check the Event Viewer for more information. 禁用安装并且在终端服务器连接上重设自定义网卡设置。安装程序一旦结束,有关详细信息,请查阅“事件查看器”。
- The integration of CMIP> SNMP and CORBA is the trend of network management. 本文就是利用CORBA这种普遍认可和支持的分布式对象技术来构架新的网络管理模式--多层分布式网络管理,而且这种模式是基于Web的应用方式。
- Chonju housing provident fund established network management system. 建立全州住房公积金联网管理体系。
- So research on the KDD in the distributed network management maybe import. 因此,对分布式网络管理环境下的分布式知识发现的研究更具有现实意义。
- The algorithm has been the core algorithm of our SDH network management system. 此算法已成为华环公司网络管理系统的核心模块。
- We rely on sound business strategy, good service, in a spirit of a broad domestic and international supply channels and customer network, the company has a good image and credibility. 本公司依靠稳健的经营策略,周到的服务精神,在国内外形成广阔的货源渠道和客户网路,具有良好的公司形象和信誉。
- Users say that universal browser interfaces have the potential to better integrate network management. 用户们说,通用浏览器接口具有更好地结合网络管理的潜力。
- Using agents, DMI also coordinates messages between a PC's firmware and the network management console. 利用代理,DMI也在PC机固件与网管控制台之间协调信息。
- Whether admission is granted or denied could be decided by a network management or policy system. 这种允许是批准还是被拒绝,可由网络管理或政策系统来决定。