- For more details, please contact our customer service center at 1-877-482-5503. 详情请垂询我们的免费服务热线:1-877-482-5503。
- If you wish a direct contact please call our Customer Service Center. 如果您想直接联系我们,请致电我们的客户服务中心。
- Your SMS message cannot be sent. Contact your customer service center for more information. 无法发送您的短消息。请与您的客户服务中心联系以获得详细信息。
- Fashionable Furniture Coating Lu Guoqiang, Manager of Customer Service Center, China Paint (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. 时尚家具漆中华制漆(深圳)有限公司客户服务中心经理卢国强。
- Details can be found on the website www. ITakkBB. Com or calling the customer service center at 1-877-iTalkbb. 预知详情;请登录www.;italkbb
- Customer service center of Jinan Golden Future Information Engineering Co., Ltd. 济南未来之路信息工程有限公司客户服务中心。
- Those who are interested in the game, please tell your seneschal or the customer service center before Dec, 19th, 2008. 若有意向参与活动的业主请2008年12月19日前向阁下的组团管家或客户服务中心报名。
- Our customer service center has a regulation that reception personnel shouldn't hang up first on a customer. 我们公司的客服中心有规定,接待员不允许主动挂断客户的电话。
- As the main service window for all Tencent products, the customer service center is responsible for answering all kinds of questions from our clients. 腾讯客服中心是公司所有业务的主要服务窗口,负责向客户解答相关的业务咨询及受理各种投诉。
- You will coordinate with our customer service center for respective documentation, such as invoices, delivery notes, packing lists, BoL, BoQ. 您需要与我们的客户服务中心协作处理各种文件,比如:发票、发货单、装箱单、提货单等。
- In2001, Set up Customer Service Center,Strengthening the specialization of customer service,created the complete customer service system. 2001年设立客户服务中心,强化客户服务的专业性,形成完整的客户服务体系。
- Those who are interested in the activity, please tell your seneschal or the customer service center before Jan, 8th, 2009. 若有意向参与活动的业主请2009年1月8日前向阁下的组团管家或客户服务中心报名。
- Xinghang customer Service Center listens to the valuable opinions of every customer. It is responsible for order form, cash, information, goods delivery, and so on. 星航的客户服务中心,聆听每一位客户的宝贵意见。负责订单到现金、处理客户问讯、订单处理、出货处理等。
- UBS has sales and Asia-Pacific region customer service center in Beijing.We attach great importance to the needs of the market and participate fully in the CMMB project in China. 2007年中国独资子公司在北京成立,并在北京建立覆盖亚太地区的备品备件中心和亚太地区客户服务中心。
- Under the company supposes: Design department, engineering dept,service department, customer service center control section and so onbusiness planning department. 公司下设:设计部、工程部、企划部、业务部、客户服务中心等管理部门。
- Customer service does not just mean a closely - knit network of branches, service centers or rental offices. 售后服务不应仅限于密集式的网络化分支机构,服务中心或租赁办事人。
- Implementing CRM should innovate the theory of managing, reconstruct the organization and operation procedure, truss CRM unified platform, establish customer service center and subdivide the customer and market . 实施 CRM,要创新管理理念 ,再造组织结构和业务流程 ,构架 CRM统一平台 ,创建客户服务中心并细分客户与市场。
- Now we are planning to establish a sales and customers service center in ShangHai to serve our customers in Asia, Europe and America. 目前我们筹备在上海成立销售以及客服服务中心为我们在亚洲、欧洲和美国的各地客户提供更加完善的服务。
- In order to guarantee and maintain VIP member's benefits, VIP card holder must bring one's VIP cards and valid personal identification documents to our customer service center for bonus exchanging. 为保证持卡贵宾的合法权益,兑换奖励时需持卡本人携带VIP卡及有效身份证件到客户服务中心办理。
- LSG Sky Chefs caters 270 airlines from 191 customer service centers in 49 countries and produces around 387 million airline meals per year. 汉莎天厨49个国家的191个客服中心为270个航空公司提供服务,年配餐量为3.;87亿份。