- The black ox has trod on sb.'s foot. 灾祸临头。
- Tolerating danger is to cut one's own throat. 容忍危险等于作法自毙!
- The rabbit' s foot was caught in a snare. 套索把兔子的脚套住了.
- Cut one's coat according to one's cloth. 一块桌布。
- Find the length of sb. 's foot v. 了解某人的弱点以控制他。
- But the first day Clem barely cut one cord of wood. 但是第一天克莱姆仅仅解了一个考得的木材。
- He says to cut one of their tails off. So she does. 他说把一匹的尾巴剪断。所以她照做了。
- None once cut one's hair for oneself, since everyone can't. 没有人曾经为自己理发,因为谁都不能够。
- "Wait and I will cut one,"said Robin and the stranger agreed. “等一下,我去砍一根。”罗宾说道,陌生人同意了。
- "The network has become us business is impartible cut one share. “网络已经成为我们业务不可分割的一部分。
- Having cut one centimeter off the E71’s waistline, Nokia's engineers had to cram all buttons inside a smaller area, putting them right next to each other. 有削减一厘米关闭e71的腰围,诺基亚的工程师们填满所有按钮内较小的地区,把他们的权利,在明年向对方。
- The cold wind cuts one to the marrow. 冷风砭骨。
- Then, looking down, he saw Heather' s foot pinned beneath the broken steering column. What do I do now! he thought. 他已经将她拉出一半了。再往下一看,他发现希瑟的脚还卡在折断了的方向盘下的柱子下面。我该怎么办呢?他想。
- LL: To cut one's losses means to give up and withdraw from a losing situation. 就是看到形势对自己不利就决定改变方向,这样可以减少损失。
- The things that you see attached to this guy’s foot are a cross between low stilts and pogo sticks. 图片上的这名男子脚下的器械是一个介于普通高跷和弹簧单高跷之间的支架。
- From of old, hong Kong is Chinese territory impartible cut one share. 自古以来,香港就是中国领土不可分割的一部分。
- In the 46th match, futabayana was declared the winner by mistake because the judges had not seen the wrestler’s foot leave the circle. 在第46届比赛中,由于错误双叶山被宣布为赢家,因为裁判们还没有看到摔跤选手的脚离开场地。
- Leyden. James J, MD, Albert M. Interdigital Athlete\' s Foot: the interaction of dermatophytes and resident bacteria. Arch Dermatol - Vol 114,Oct 1978,1466 - 1472. 张国华麻致中.;人体正常皮肤;鼻粘膜需氧微生物群的定量分析[J]
- The fine scale of the gecko’s foot is beyond the capacity of conventional microengineering but a team of nanotechnologists have already made a good initial approximation. 从张开的叶子,昆虫的翅膀以及太阳能嵌板之间到底看出有什么相识的折纸花样;
- Okay. Here's a table, it has four angles, if you cut one of the angles off, how many angels are left? 一个桌子有四个角,砍下去一个,还剩下几个?