- cutting and punching stock 剪冲下料
- Deforming tools for larger dimensions such as drawing and pressing dies, deep drawing tools, hot wire rolling, cutting rings, cutting die plates, drawing rings, circular knives, calibrating rolls, inserts for cutting and punching techniques, paper knives. 大尺寸的变形工具,比如冲压模、深拉工具、热轧轧辊、环刀、切削硬模盘、拉环、圆刀盘、校准轧辊、冲压和切削技术的衬垫、裁纸刀。
- Three process composite die can carry out cutting and punching and bending in one process.The goodness of this technology is that productivity is high and part quality is gene rous. 使用新型三工序复合冲压模具,可以在一个工步中完成支承座毛坯的落料、冲孔和弯曲成形,生产效率高,工艺质量好。
- Three-process composite die can carry out cutting and punching and bending in one process.The goodness of this technology is that productivity is high and part quality is gene-rous. 使用新型三工序复合冲压模具,可以在一个工步中完成支承座毛坯的落料、冲孔和弯曲成形,生产效率高,工艺质量好。
- There was a power cut and all the lights went out. 因停电所有的灯都熄灭了。
- My hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven. 我的头发剪得很糟,发端参差不齐。
- The plan is cut and dried, nothing can stop it now. 这个计划已经定下来了,已无法加以阻止。
- The cutting and punching of angle iron and its design of mould 角钢的剪截、冲切及其模具设计
- The firewood was cut and bundled (together). 木柴已劈好并捆在一起了。
- His speech was cut and dried because he had nothing new to say. 他的报告枯燥无味,因为毫无新的内容。
- It's a well-constructed crime story, told with speed and punch. 这篇描写犯罪的故事构思精巧,情节紧凑,引人入胜。
- Her hair has been badly cut and the ends are uneven. 她的头发剪得很糟,发梢高低不齐。
- I wanted to walk up to him and punch him in the chops. 我很想走上前去,狠狠往他脸上打上一拳。
- He suffered a few cuts and scrapes. 他割破和擦伤了几个地方。
- Cutting and jointing pipes to fittings. 按装置价格切割、连接管道。
- A tool similar to a hatchet, used for cutting and dressing roofing slates. 石斧类似于短柄小斧的一种工具,用来修琢屋顶石板
- Poorly crystallized diamonds used for industrial cutting and abrasion. 结晶差的金刚石用作工业切割和研磨。
- He sat down, cut and buttered a slice of the loaf. 他坐下来,切了片面包,涂上黄油。
- Martin is more active and punches more. 马丁比较主动,出拳更多。
- The gray suit was well cut and well made . 这套灰西装裁得好做得也好。