- I am unable to cycle to school because my bicycle is broken. 我不能骑车上学,因为我的自行车坏了。
- I used to cycle to work but now I drive. 我过去常常骑车上班,但现在我开车去。
- It's easier to cycle with the wind behind you. 顺风骑车省力。
- While the phases must always follow each other in this order, their length and their severity varies greatly from cycle to cycle. 虽然经济周期的各个阶段总是以这种顺序互相衔接,但是各阶段的时间长短以及严重性却各有所不同。
- If this is the business card printing and membership card cutting your own factory, be sure to shorten the MO to cycle to avoid paper powcder chaetomium paper. 如果是制卡和会员卡制息厂自己不合切,必定要贬低磨刀周期,藏免纸毛纸粉的爆发。
- I had to cycle all the way to work against the wind. 我不得不一路顶着风去上班。
- It's not safe to cycle too fast. 骑车太快可不保险。
- We will cycle to the park today. 今天我们将骑车去公园。
- Why don't you cycle to work as we do? 你干嘛不像我们这样骑车上班?
- They are twice as likely to walk or cycle to work. 在布莱顿,步行或骑车去上班的人数比例是其他城市的两倍。
- Instead, I have taken to cycling to work. Not only does this start the day by making me curiously happy, it gets the competitive spirit going, too. 不过我倒是喜欢骑自行车上班这种方式。用骑车上班的方法开始新的一天,我会觉得无比开心,而且骑车也会把我的竞争精神给调动起来。
- PgDn Cycle to the next camera position. 循环下一个视窗视角位置。
- Neither i nor he is able to cycle. 我不会骑自行车;他也不会.
- PgUp Cycle to the previous camera position. 循环上一个视窗视角位置。
- Press the * key to cycle camera modes. 按*键以切换相机模式。
- Activities) Morning cycle to town centre. 上午骑自行车去市中心。
- A: Do you cycle to work ev-eryday? (你每天骑自行车上班吗?)
- Will you cycle to school today ? 你今天骑自行车上学吗?
- I am fond of cycling to town when it is fine. 天气好时我喜欢骑车进城。
- Almost all instructions take only one GPU cycle to execute. 几乎所有指令执行时只会占用图形处理器的一个执行周期。