- cyclic torsional shear tests 循环扭剪试验
- drained cyclic torsional shear orientation of principal stress 排水循环扭剪试验
- torsional shear test 扭转剪切试验
- torsion shear test 扭剪试验
- Cyclic simple shear tests were numerically modeled to validate the codes and show the performance of the model. 通过对循环单剪试验的模拟验证了程序的可靠性和模型的表现。
- The mechanical characteristics on the deformation, pore pressure and shear strength of undisturbed soft clay samples are studied with cyclic axial shear tests. 摘要利用从现场取得的原状土样,通过室内动三轴试验对循环荷载作用下的变形、孔压和强度特性进行研究。
- Furthermore,undisturbed samples of each layer soil are taken out,and the maximum dynamic shear modulus is obtained by laboratory cyclic simple shear tests. 此外,取出了场地各层土的原状土样,进行了室内循环单剪试验,获得了各层土的动剪模量,并与剪切波速的计算结果进行了比较分析。
- torsional shearing test 扭矩剪艽试验
- In order to study the correlation between shear wave velocity of soils and their triaxial shear test mechanics index,a new transducer is developed on the basis of torsion vibration principle. 为了研究土的剪切波速与其三轴剪切试验力学指标之间的关系,依据扭剪振动原理,开发出一种测试三轴压力室内土样剪切波速的传感器。
- It is very complicated to analyze prestressed concreted curved box girder due to many factors such as tendon, bending、 torsion 、 shear lag and wrapping. 预应力混凝土曲线箱梁桥,由于受到空间预应力束、曲箱梁的弯曲、扭转及截面剪力滞、畸变等因素的影响,受力十分复杂。
- Standard compaction test and undrained direct shear test were carried out. 实验方式是采取标准压实试验及不排水直接剪力试验。
- Our main products are: steel structure with large hexagon head bolts, weld screws (studs), wind energy towers barrel bolts, torsion shear bolts, anchor bolts, universal bolt, double-headed bolts. 公司主要产品有:钢结构用大六角头螺栓,焊钉(栓钉),风电塔筒螺栓,扭剪螺栓,地脚螺栓,通用高强度螺栓,双头螺栓等。
- Experimental Study on Torsional Behavior of R. C. Members Subjected to Biaxial Eccentric Compression, Shear and Reversed Cyclic Torsion 钢筋混凝土双向偏压剪构件在反复扭矩作用下受扭性能试验研究
- The inherent anisotropy of sands was investigated firstly through the shear tests with fixed principal stress axes. 通过应力主轴固定单调剪切试验分析了所制作砂样的初始各向异性特性。
- Variation Rule of Shear Strength Index When Direct Shear Test of Coarse-grained Soil. 粗粒土直接剪切试验抗剪强度指标变化规律。
- triaxial torsional shear apparatus 三轴扭剪仪
- The re-sults of interlaminar shear tests and fatigue propagation tests show that the interface plays animportant role in fatigue behavior of GLALL. 试验发现,当界面结合强度较高时,层板的疲劳裂缝扩展速率较低,伴随疲劳裂缝扩展而产生的脱层破坏区尺寸较小,脱层破坏发生在树脂层与增强纤维之间;
- self-boring type torsion shear apparatus 自钻式扭剪仪
- It is presented an experimental study on the bond behavior of NSM CFRP strips using a simple shear test set -up. 通过CFRP板条嵌入混凝土试块的界面单剪试验,研究粘结长度对界面粘结性能的影响。
- Based on double-face shear tests of CFRP plates, this paper discusses the bond strength between CFRP plates and concrete and the feasible anchorage for CFRP plates. 本文通过CFRP板双面剪切试验,对CFRP板与混凝土的粘结强度和CFRP板可行的锚固方式进行了探讨。