- cyclodialysis cannula 睫状体分离套管
- A cannula has to be inserted into a leg vein. 必须应用小腿的静脉放置导管。
- The effect of implantation is similar to that of cyclodialysis; howeer, the shunt proides sufficient flow resistance to eliminate the risk of hypotony. 移植的效果和睫状体分离术很相似;然而,金微管提供了足够的流动抗性来减少张力减退的风险。
- Objective To explore the cause of ocular hypertonia after operation of direct cyclopexy for traumatic cyclodialysis. 目的探讨外伤性睫状体脱离缝合复位术后眼压升高的原因。
- Objective To explore the use of Ultrasonic Biomicroscopy(UBM)for peri-operative examination of traumatic cyclodialysis. 目的探讨超声生物显微镜(UBM)在外伤性睫状体分离围手术期检查中的应用。
- Objective To determine the morphologic changes and their clinical significance of cyclodialysis. 目的探讨眼部睫状体脱离的形态学改变及其临床意义。
- One of the best areas for the cannula is the cephalic vein in the shoulder area. 肩部的头静脉是放置静脉导管最好的部位之一。
- AIM: To explore the treatment effects of secondary glaucoma after the restoration of traumatic cyclodialysis. 目的:探讨外伤性睫状体分离复位后继发青光眼的治疗效果。
- The commercial product has threes compositions such as polymer film, tracheostomy tube and disposable inner cannula. 目前市售的气管造口器,其主要构造由高分子膜、气管进口管及进食吸管所组成。
- MethodsUBM was used in 33 eyes of 33 cases who were diagnosed as traumatic cyclodialysis. 方法对33例(33只眼)临床诊断为睫状体分离的病例进行UBM检查,并观察手术治疗前后睫状体形态学改变。
- A sharp-pointed surgical instrument, used with a cannula to puncture a body cavity for fluid aspiration. 套针一种尖锐的外科手术器械,与套管一同使用刺穿体腔,作为液体引流的出口
- A sharp-pointed surgical instrument,used with a cannula to puncture a body cavity for fluid aspiration. 套针一种尖锐的外科手术器械,与套管一同使用刺穿体腔,作为液体引流的出口
- Method:Using self-tracheal cannula empting dust was instead of otoscope expanding oral cavity and tongue spatula. 方法:用自制的气管插管进行染尘代替耳镜扩大口腔法和压舌板法。
- Of 20 cases who received nasal trachea cannula under the Guidance of Fiberbronchoscope, only 1 case failed to intubate. 行纤支镜引导下经鼻气管插管20例,除1例失败外均一次成功;
- The protruded ciliary process was observed in all 23 patients with cyclodialysis by trigle prism or gonioscope.While spaces of iridocorneal angle was found in only 15 cases. 本组23例均用三面镜或前房角镜通过瞳孔观察到隆起的睫状突,而直到房角裂隙者仅15例,且二者位置相关。
- Shovel head width 30-40cm,and its cannula is about 60cm,but this weapon is queen-size,and rare in world. 铲头展开没那么宽30多40左右,连套管长度约在60多,不过在铲兵里已算大号的了,近两年只在水里还偶尔能见到,存世是少。
- Conclusions UBM can be used to make a correct diagnosis of cyclodialysis irrespective of optic media condition, and can provide evidences for treatment. 结论应用UBM检查可以明确地诊断睫状体脱离,且不受屈光间质条件的限制,将为临床治疗提供可靠的依据。
- The laser beam, inserted into the hypoderma by means of the cannula,affects the adipocytes and surrounding tissues. 激光束通过光纤插入真皮层,直接作用于脂肪细胞及周边组织;
- Results: the clinical application of permanent deep venous cannula is expanding gradually and maturation increasingly. 结果:目前永久性深静脉插管的应用正逐渐拓展且日益成熟。
- A cutting cannula then rotates quickly over the needle to obtain the tissue sample. 切割套管然后迅速转动穿刺针获取组织样本。