- cyclone breather 漩流通气器
- I must go out for a quick breather. 我得出去换换脑子了。
- The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people. 暴风给成千上万的人带来灾难。
- Let's have/take a breather for a few minutes. 让我们休息几分钟。
- The village is often suffered from cyclone. 这个小村庄经常受到飓风袭击。
- Tell me when you need a breather. 你需要休息时就告诉我。
- Modification of breather stratum about airslide. 空气输送斜槽透气层的改造。
- Kami fairly howled through his breather. 卡米从他的呼吸器里发出一声大叫。
- Survivors tell of Bangladesh cyclone. 孟加拉国幸存者讲述龙卷风袭击。
- Replace PCV and breather element. 换曲轴箱换气元件。
- Tropical Cyclone and Hurricane Glossary. 热带飓风词汇。
- Let's take a breather before we go on. 喘口气再干。
- In 1974 Darwin was devastated by Cyclone Tracy. 1974年达尔文被热带气旋特蕾西夷为平地。
- The cyclone brought misery to thousand of people. 旋风给成千上万的人带来灾难。
- Cyclone - This spell is now dispellable. 飓风-这个法术现在可以被驱散了.
- Cyclone duration on units increased to 15 from 10. 飓风魔法作用在普通单位上的持续时间从10秒提高到15秒。
- Because of this cyclone, I have an extra day off. 因为台风来临,我有一天额外的假期。
- The cyclone destroyed dozens of houses. 旋风毁坏了好几十户人家。
- The fresh-air inlet was usually the crankcase breather cap. 新鲜空气进口一般是曲轴箱通气盖。
- Weather fronts are bound up with a frontal cyclone. 天气的锋面和锋面气旋密切相关。