- daily keying element 日变键控单元
- Key decisions; the key element of the thesis. 意义重大的结论; 论文的中心成分
- Cost was a key element in our decision. 价钱是我们决策时考虑的主要因素。
- What is the key element in a parallel bars routine? 双杠成套动作的关键成分是什么?
- The key element is smooth swinging movements. 关键动作成分是平稳流畅的摆动。
- Bug is the key element of software quality. 缺陷是反映软件质量的最基本要素。
- A key element in discipline is consistency. (惩罚的一个关键因素是一致性。
- For me, exercise is a key element to managing my moods. 对我而言,锻炼时管理自己情绪中的一个关键元素。
- A key element is wearing clothes with the right proportions. 其中一个关键因素就是要穿比例协调的衣服。
- Data integration is the key element of digitalization development. 数据集成是数字化研制中非常关键的组成部分。
- The first, what do you think in the key element to the first of the world in? 首先,请问您认为成为世界第一的关键是什么?
- The key element of our technique is gradual increase of exhalation duration. 我们的技术的关键元素是呼气持续时间的渐渐的增加。
- The key element of the logo is the central eye...... ( bala bala..... 中间那一团黑黑的;据官方的说法是一只眼睛.....(谜之眼?
- The key element in whether scientific evidence is admissible is whether it is trustworthy. 在是否采纳科学证据的问题上的关键因素是科学证据是否是值得信赖的。
- Does it retain the key elements of the original short story? 它是否保留了原作的关键要素?
- They called his policy Reaganomics. It had four key elements. 他们把他的政策称之为里根经济政策,它包括四个关键要素。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- Spontaneity is one of the key elements of creativity. 与众不同的自然性就是创造性中最关键的因素。
- Your sprit and morale are the key elements in winning any match. 你们的精神和斗志是赢得一切比赛的关键。
- Surrogate model is a key element of the multidisciplinary design optimization(MDO). 代理模型是多学科设计优化的关键技术之一。