- daily stock closing 落盘
- The store is closing out a large stock of toys. 该店正减价出售大批玩具存货。
- Wall Street wasn't convinced. Later that day GM stock closed at $9.69 it's lowest point in 54 years. 但华尔街对此并不相信。当天晚些时候,通用汽车股价收于9.;69美元,是54年来的最低点。
- Rio Tinto (RTP) shares rose in early trading strong, but weak follow-up led to the stock closed down 0.3 percent. 力拓(RTP)的股票早盘强劲攀升,但后继乏力导致该股跌收0.;3%25。
- The paper publish a daily list of stock exchange transaction. 该报纸发布证券交易所每日股票买卖的一览表。
- They intended to close out all their stock. 他们打算卖光所有的存货。
- On Wall Street US stocks close lower in Tuesday trading. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 60 points. The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 29. 美国华尔街的股票在星期二的交易中以当日的最低价收市。道琼斯工业指数下跌60点。纳斯达克则下跌29点。
- The Analysis of the Optimization Problem of Bank's Daily Stock Fund 银行日常备付金优化问题探析
- Batelco Egypt Communications (S.A.E.) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Batelco Middle East, established in 2003 in Cairo as an Egyptian Joint Stock Closed Company. 巴林埃及通讯(s.;a
- CICC also believes that the valuation of Hong Kong stocks close to the bottom of history, but the A share valuation of risk has not yet released the full, space down there. 中金公司也认为,港股估值接近历史底部,但A股估值风险仍未充分释放,尚有下行空间。
- Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. 每天练习是学会一门外语的诀窍。
- Stocks close sharply lower as investors worry that the economy is poised to weaken even as frozen credit markets slowly start to show signs of recovery. 尽管冰冻的信贷市场慢慢开始出现恢复的迹象,股票收市时价位非常的低,就像投资者担心的经济将继续衰弱。
- Many items in daily use are made out of plastic. 有很多日常生活用品是塑料制的。
- I like to read China Daily on my way home. 我喜欢在回家的途中阅读《中国日报》。
- I need a holiday as a relief from the daily grind. 我需要休假以摆脱单调的日常工作。
- We have to keep a close tab on daily sales. 我们必须仔细登记每日售量。
- The druggist put in a full stock of drugs. 那位药商进了一大批药品。
- Excepting Sundays the stores are open daily. 除了星期天以外,那些商店天天都营业。
- The bakery serves us with fresh bread daily. 面包店每天都给我们提供新鲜面包。
- All its stock in trade is glossy paper backs. 该店的全部现货是光面的平装书。