- We have put our cattle out to pasture. 我们已经把牛放到牧场上吃草去了。
- The right to pasture animals on common land. 共用权在公共土地上放牧动物的权利
- The land was used chiefly for pasture. 这土地多半用作牧场。
- The place is known for its dairy produce. 这地方因生产乳品而出名。
- dairy pasture 乳牛用草地
- Milk, butter and cheese are brought in here from dairy farms. 牛奶、奶油、奶酪从牛奶场运到这里。
- One of a breed of small, black dairy cattle of Irish origin. 克立牛一种产于爱尔兰的黑色小乳牛
- Nitrate of soda may be sown on pasture that does not eat off. 可以把硝酸钠撒在牧草还没有吃光的草地上。
- The business of owning and operating a dairy or a dairy farm. 乳品业拥有和经营乳品公司或乳牛场的商业
- There we saw herds of cows grazing on the pasture. 我们在那里看到一群群的牛在草地上吃草。
- Milk, butter, and cheese are shipped here from the dairy farms. 牛奶、黄油和奶酪都是各个制酪场运到这里来的。
- The pasture fed the cows poorly. 那牧场不能充分喂饱牛群。
- The pasture -ries three hundred head of cattle. 这块草地供养三百头牛。
- This pasture carries 200 heads of cattle. 这块草地可供养200头牛。
- Rocks often crop out in New England pasture land. 在新英格兰的牧场上常可见到露在地面上的岩石。
- They raise dairy cows, hogs and chickens, too. 他们还饲养奶牛、猪和鸡。
- Rocks often crop out in New England pasture land . 在新英格兰的牧场上常可见到露在地面上的岩石。
- Miles had done well with his dairy. 迈尔斯的制酪场搞得相当不错。
- It is a good place for goats to pasture . 这是羊吃草的好地方。
- The dairy cattle are going to come in. 奶牛要产仔了。