- The place is known for its dairy produce. 这地方因生产乳品而出名。
- Do not eat meal but eat fish (and dairy produce). 好多人认为吃肉不等于吃鱼。
- This cut-price dairy produce that turns our bones to dust. 我们靠着倾倒的廉价乳制品来度过一生。
- The two most common food allergies which can cause this are an allergy to dairy produce and an allergy to wheat. 会导致该症状的最通常的两种过敏症分别是对奶制品的过敏和对小麦的过敏。
- Contain the food with vitamin more A to liver, dairy produce, fish, tomato, carrot, apricot, cantaloup waits. 含维生素A较多的食物有肝、乳制品、鱼类、西红柿、胡萝卜、杏、香瓜等。
- In addition, a catenary still is contained a lot ofin dairy produce amino acid, it also can reduce adipose synthesis. 此外,乳制品中还富含支链氨基酸,它也能减少脂肪的合成。
- Also known as "Ovo-Lacto Vegetarian". This meal contains no meat or seafood but does include dairy produce such as butter, cheese, milk and eggs. “传统素食者”的菜肴不包括肉或海鲜,但包括日常的黄油,奶酪,牛奶和鸡蛋。
- If your doctor suspects the dairy produce that you love most is the origin of the problem, should reduce dosage, look bilge angry case how. 假如你的医师怀疑你最爱的乳制品是问题的来源,应减少用量,看看胀气的情形如何。
- Low blood is calcic after perspiring to prevent, should eat product of calcic milk, dairy produce, fish, sea and greenery moreVegetableWait for food. 为了防止出汗后低血钙,应该多吃含钙的牛奶、乳制品、鱼类、海产品及绿叶蔬菜等食物。
- Reduce lactose to if you have lactose to not be able to bear or endure,take quantity disease, when you eat dairy produce, the possibility arises bilge morale problem. 减少乳糖取量假如你有乳糖不耐症,当你吃乳制品时,可能产生胀气问题。
- Lactose is not able to bear or endure the person intestinal of disease breeds carbohydrase is not worth, cannot digest the lactose in dairy produce adequately. 有乳糖不耐症的人肠内的乳糖酶不足,无法充分消化乳制品中的乳糖。
- E of vitamin E vitamin is in vegetable of oil of corn, wheat bud, cottonseed oil, greenery, yoke, firm fruit, flesh and dairy produce, all content is rich. 二、维生素E维生素E在谷类、小麦胚芽油、棉子油、绿叶蔬菜、蛋黄、坚果类、肉及乳制品中,均含量丰富。
- The chymosin purified from glutinous rice wine is the reason why glutinous rice wine could coagulate Chinese royal cheese, one of traditional Chinese dairy produce. 江米酒中的凝乳酶是引起我国传统乳制品米酒奶凝乳的原因。
- The Recommended Daily Allowance is 1-2 micrograms and good dietary sources are meat (particularly liver), fish, eggs, dairy produce, fortified cereals and brewer’s yeast. 建议的每日津贴是1-2微克和良好的饮食来源是肉类(尤其是肝) ,鱼,蛋,奶类生产,强化谷物和啤酒酵母。
- Yet despite their success, the economic pressures on Vermont's small dairy producers continue to grow. 尽管他们取得了成功,但是针对佛蒙特州小型乳品生产者的经济压力却有增无减。
- This unique, patented product can help dairy producers manage their herds and improve milk quality and production. 这一独特的专利技术可以帮助牛奶生产者管理牲畜并提高牛奶质量和产量。
- These products have entered the market, dairy producers have to clean up all the checks and tests Pipi. 上述产品已进入市场销售的,乳制品生产企业要全部进行清理检查和批批检验。
- The bases of the hair is to contain sulfur the protein of amino acid, because this is daily,should absorb right amount the food that contains a lot ofprotein, if fish, thin pork, milk, dairy produce reachs bean products. 头发的主要成分是含硫氨基酸的蛋白质,因此每日应摄入适量富含蛋白质的食品,如鱼类、瘦猪肉、牛奶、乳制品及豆制品。
- Of our country dairy produce coessential change rate taller, quality just enters the ticket of competitive market, the service just can make milkings enterprise gains competitive advantage. 我国乳制品的同质化程度较高,质量只是进入竞争市场的入场券,服务才能使乳品企业获得竞争优势。
- Yesterday, the City Office of Food Security issued an urgent notice requiring dairy producers to the Sept. 14 products submitted for Pipi. 昨日,市食安办发出紧急通知,要求乳制品生产企业对9月14日前生产的产品进行批批送检。