- A lightning conductor protects a building from damage by lightning. 避雷针可保护建筑物不受雷击的破坏。
- A home may be destroyed by fire, damaged by lightning, or leveled by a tornado. 住宅可能遭火灾烧毁、雷电袭击受损或被龙卷风夷为平地。
- A home may be destroyed by fire,damaged by lightning,or leveled by a tornado. 住宅可能遭火灾烧毁、雷电袭击受损或被龙卷风夷为平地。
- The seven-story tower for directions, solid, Taki circumference of 21.2 meters. Tajian damaged by lightning, but to grow "green" (little tree), giving a "Hefatongyan" Lenovo. 塔为七层八面,实心,塔基周长21.;2米。塔尖遭雷击损毁,但却长出“青发”(小树),给人一种“鹤发童颜”的联想。
- A child was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中,一个小孩被雷电击倒。
- The tree was struck by lightning. 那棵树被雷电击中了。
- The huge tree split when struck by lightning. 这棵大树遭雷击时被劈开了。
- The ignition of the forest was caused by lightning. 森林起火是由雷电引起的。
- Based on the principle of refraction and reflection, it is analyzed why electrified-opened-switch is easy damaged by lightning overvoltage. 从过电压的折射和反射的原理出发,分析了带电开口运行开关容易遭受雷电过电压损坏的根本原因,提出了相应的改进保护措施。
- It protects buildings and ships from damage caused by lightning. 它保护了建筑物和船以免由闪电导致的破坏。
- A man was struck down by lightning in the storm. 暴风雨中有人被雷电击中了。
- The houses were damaged by fire to the full. 那些房子全部被大火毁掉了。
- The old tree was struck by lightning. 那棵古树遭到了雷击。
- Impervious or resistant to damage by fire. 防火的,耐火的不受火损害或抵抗火的
- The tree was struck by lightning and splintered. 那棵树被闪电劈裂了。
- To injure or damage by freezing. 冻伤由于冰冻造成的伤害或损伤
- The big tree was struck by lightning. 大树遭到了雷击。
- The tree had been blasted by lightning. 树木被雷电击毁。
- Lots of bell ringers were killed by lightning. 许多敲钟人被闪电击毙。
- The tractor had been damaged by rough usage. 这辆拖拉机因使用不经心而损坏了。