- damage evolution law 损伤规律
- The evolutional law of damage value as a function of stress was obtained. 分别得出损伤变量随应力和应变而变化的演变规律。
- AE accumulative relative energy is related to the damage evolution of C/SiC composites closely. 声发射累积相对能量和C/SiC复合材料的损伤演化有较好的相关性。
- This model as applied to the research on the water quality evolution law in Huizhou Reach of the Dongjiang Riser, and a satisfactory result obtained. 并将此模型运用于广东省东江惠州河段河流系统时空格局演化规律的研究中,得到了比较满意的结果。
- Meme is the supposition presented by Dawkins,a Neo-Darwinist,to explain the evolution law of human beings. 模因是新达尔文主义者Dawkins提出的假设,用来解释人类文化进化的规律。
- Using the TCM theory "spleen-stomach is foundation of after birth", explained the evolution law about from cell"s Yinyang to the splanchna"s Yinyang. 运用“脾胃为后天之本”的中医理论,解释了从细胞阴阳到人体内脏阴阳的演化规律。
- The creep damage evolution curve from SPCT with three stages is similar tothat of creep strain, being consist of decelerating, constant rate and accelerating stages. 同时证明了作者所建立的有限元模型的正确性。 (3)试样损伤曲线变化规律与蠕变应变的变化规律相类似,损伤曲线具有减速、恒速和加速的三阶段。
- Therefore, the extrusion forming can be guided by the microstructure evolution law of the materials, such as the dislocation evolution of the ECAP. 因此,考虑等径角挤压过程中的位错演化等材料微观组织演化规律,对材料的实际挤压成形有指导作用。
- The matrix damage evolution behavior and the effect of matrix micro-cracks on the dynamic characteristics of composite stiffened delaminated plates are studied. 由于该准则考虑了载荷作用周期数的影响,从而能够更合理地分析周期性动载荷作用下基体微裂纹损伤演化规律。
- The meso-scope damage dynamics and damage evolution had been applied to probe the evolution process induced catastrophe in the earthquake activity.It is a new method. 摘要从细观损伤力学及损伤演化的角度探索地震活动中的演化诱致发震是一种全新的方法。
- Acoustic emission (AE) characteristics of a sandstone sample in fatigue failure process were analyzed by AE testing and its fatigue damage evolution rule was studied. 摘要通过砂岩试件疲劳破坏的声发射实验,分析了砂岩疲劳破坏过程的声发射特性,研究了岩石的疲劳损伤演化规律。
- Exploring the reasons of formation and evolution law of interface contradiction inside system are two basic premises of resolving the interface contradiction and conflicts. 界面矛盾形成原因以及界面矛盾运动规律的探索,是解决系统内部界面矛盾与冲突的两个基本前提。
- According to basic damage principle, the shear damage variable of rock and the pull damage variable of grout body are defined, and the damage evolution equation is suggested. 摘要根据损伤理论的基本原理,分别定义了岩体剪切损伤变量和受拉浆体材料的损伤变量,确定了各自相应的损伤演化方程;
- The failure mode of frozen silt with layered structures is mainly controlled by segregating ice.And the damage evolution is remarkably different with different loading directions. 层状构造冻土的破坏主要受控于分凝冰,不同加载方向下层状构造冻土的损伤演化过程存在显著差异。
- In the light of the dynamical analysis of microcrack coalescence, this paperpresents a statistical fractal modeI to describe the damage evolution of spailation. 摘要 通过对微裂纹连接的动力学分析,提出了描述层裂损伤演化的统计分形模型。
- Finally, the damage evolution rule of concrete due to triaxial compressive loading history is summarized, and the problems that should be solved in the future are presented. 然后,对混凝土经历各种三轴受压荷载历史后损伤的演化规律进行了深入研究,幷提出进一步研究应重点解决的问题。
- The damage evolution process is similar to percolation, and the unusual behavior of some properties at fracture or fragmentation is often related to certain scaling relations. 损伤演化过程与逾渗现象极为相似,临近断裂和破碎时,某些物理量所表现出来的异常行为往往满足一定的标度关系。
- The three-dimensional paraxial Gaussian beam propagation properties is investigated in axial symmetric strongly nonlocal nonlinear media by the means of variation method, the parameters′ evolution law and a critical power is obtained. 利用变分原理,研究了三维傍轴高斯光束在轴对称强非局域非线性介质中的传输特性,得到了傍轴高斯光束各参量的演化规律和一个临界功率。
- The damage zone development and damage evolution ahead of a crack tip in an dutile metal specimen are studied from the viewpoint of continuum damage mechanics. 从连续介质损伤力学的基本理论出发,研究了金属试件中裂纹尖端损伤区的发展和区内损伤的演变。
- Calculation of transition probability matrix and fixed vector of the well profiles in the area shows, from a quantitative point of view, the vertical evolution law of the sedimentary series and the transversal environmental difference. 通过多步转移概率矩阵和固定向量计算,从定量的角度说明了研究区内部分钻井剖面陆表海沉积在垂向上演化的规律性及反映在横向上的古环境差异性。