- Allied Grenades now have a smaller damage radius (4.3 from 4.5). 手雷伤害半径减小(从4.;5降低为4
- The second tier, appropriately named Desolator Dual Airstrike uses two bombers with an increased damage radius. 第二级,叫做双重空袭,名副其实,就是两架轰炸机,并拥有增加的伤害半径。
- The effects show that the bursting height of FAE influenced strongly the air shock wave. It influences not only the damage radius but also the acting time of shock wave and the peak value of pressure of the different distance. 实验结果表明 :FAE装置炸高对爆炸空气冲击波有重要影响 ,它不仅影响毁伤半径 ,而且还影响不同距离处的冲击波作用时间和压力峰值。
- It is very important to research the structural dynamic response of torpedo under the shock of underwater explosion and the damage radius of anti-torpedo torpedo(ATT) for the development of ATT. 水下爆炸冲击下的鱼雷结构动力学响应特性研究和对来袭鱼雷毁伤效果的评定对反鱼雷鱼雷研究具有重要的应用价值。
- Hence, the damage radii can not be determined from overpressure alone. 因此,破坏半径不能单单由超压力大小来决定。
- Hence, the damage radii can not be determined from overpressure alone . 因此,破坏半径不能单单由超压力大小来决定。
- We can compute the circular area with radius. 我们能用半径计算出圆的面积。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。
- The storm did a great deal of material damage. 暴风雨造成了大量物质损失。
- Moving or directed along a radius. 沿着或向着半径移动的
- He collected on the damage to his house. 他收到房屋损坏赔偿费。
- The damage to the painting was the work of vandal. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。
- The accident didn't do much damage to the cylinder. 在意外事故中,汽缸没有受到重大损坏。
- The damage to the painting is the work of vandals. 毁坏这幅画的事是恣意破坏公物的人干的。
- Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. 离合器使用不慎可能损坏传动装置。
- The police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius. 警察搜索了在周围六英里以内的树林各处。
- He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash. 他在事故中大脑受伤无法治愈。
- There are three lakes within a radius of five miles. 周围五英里之内有三个湖泊。
- The given radius being 4 ft., find the circumference. 已知半径为四英尺,求周长。
- Birds cause damage when they fly into engines. 鸟儿如果冲撞到引擎上就会造成损坏。