- The party was a bit of a damp squib. 这次聚会有些扫兴。
- This means the review could be a damp squib[5]. 这意味着回顾报告可能起不到任何效果。
- It has turned out to be a damp squib. 可惜他的打算落空了。
- A “breakthrough” in land reform? Or a damp squib? 土改真正“突破”?或者哑炮一颗?
- Does that mean Pittsburgh will be a damp squib? 这是否预示着匹兹堡峰会将会无所作为呢?
- China's big party may be a damp squib. 但是中国并没有镇压所有的抗议声音,也没有抵制媒体关于中国军队开枪镇压平民的猛烈抨击。
- This means the review could be a damp squib. 这就是说审查报告可能变成一纸空文。
- The joke which I thought would make her laugh,proved a damp squib. 我本以为这笑话能博得她一笑,结果却毫无反应。
- The pop concert went off like a damp squib when the main act failed to appear. 由于主要演员没出场,那场流行音乐会结果失败了。
- The joke which I thought would make her laugh, proved a damp squib. 我本以为这笑话能博得她一笑,结果却毫无反应。
- North Korea's nuclear test was a damp squib in market terms. 北朝的核实验对于市场而言,也不过是一枚哑炮而已。
- The joke which I thought would make her laugh, proved a damp squib . 我本以为这笑话能博得她一笑,结果却毫无反应。
- The pop concert went off like a damp squib when the main actors failed to appear. 由于主要演员没出场,那场流行音乐会结果失败了。
- The Communist Party last month unveiled a “new” policy on landholdings.It was a damp squib. 中国共产党上月在土地问题上出台了一个新政策,却是个哑炮。
- It was a bit of a damp squib, making no firm recommendations and proposing no new regulation or legislation. 不过它就像一个受潮了的爆竹,既没有给出坚决的建议,也没有提出新的规章或者法规。
- The Communist Party last month unveiled a “new”policy on landholdings.It was a damp squib. 上个月,共产党首次出台了土地所有的新政策,但效果令人失望。
- Tung Chee-hwa's annual policy address last week was the usual damp squib as far as political reform is concerned. 就政治改革而言,董建华上周发表的年度施政报告一如既往,乏善可陈。
- Three years on, however, radio frequency has proved to be a bit of a damp squib. 3年,不过,无线电频率已被证明是一点潮湿的点火。
- The Gleneagles G8 summit the G7 plus Russia on July 7-8 threatens to be a damp squib or to end without agreement if common cause cannot be found at the meeting this weekend. 如果本周的会议上各方找不到共同基础,将于7月7、8日在苏格兰格林尼格斯举行的八国集团(G8,七国集团加上俄罗斯)峰会可能会无功而返,或在结束时不能达成协议。
- The Copenhagen climate accord may have been a damp squib, but it pushed governments a bit further in the right direction. 哥本哈根气候协议也许令人失望,但它推动各国政府向着正确方向稍微迈进了一步。