- The news will be on the air tonight. 这个新闻今晚将要广播。
- The bombers swooped on the air base. 轰炸机突袭空军基地。
- That radio show is still on the air. 那个广播剧还在播送。
- How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? 有多少天使可以在针尖上跳舞?
- I usually take the air on the lawn before I go to bed. 我睡觉之前常在草地上散散步。
- This channel comes on the air every morning at 7 am. 这个频道每天早晨7点钟开始播放。
- Here's my passport. I am going on the air china flight to Delhi. 这是我的护照。我准备坐中国国际航空公司班机去德里。
- Some girls are dancing on the stage. 一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。
- Thompson pumped his fist in the air and danced on the infield as the crowd roared. 人们欢声雷动,汤普森在空中挥动着拳头,在场内跳跃。
- Harry performed a little dance on the stage. 哈雷在舞台上表演了一个小舞蹈。
- A little bird is singing a lovely song. The Hail stops dancing on the roof. The North Wind stops blowing. There is a sweet perfume in the air. 一只小鸟正唱着动听的歌儿。冰雹停止在屋顶跳舞,北风也不再咆哮。空气中弥漫着芳香。
- That program has been on the air for 25 years now. 那节目已播放了二十五年了。
- Turn on the air conditioner -- I'm baking in here. 开冷气!这里热极了。
- The toy sailboat danced on the pond. 玩具帆船在池塘上荡漾。
- The air is thin on the top of a high mountain. 高山顶上的空气稀薄。
- The faint smell of flowers lay on the air. 空气里带着淡淡的花香。
- Web surfing is like to walk on the ice, dance on the bubble. 网络,那是薄冰上的行走,泡沫上的舞步。
- The ball game is on the air now. 电视台现在正在播放球赛。
- Everyone thought Wesley was crazy to dance on the table. 大家都认为卫斯理一定是疯了,才会在桌上跳舞。
- He treads on the air in his new vest and sunbonnet. 康德穿着背心遮阳帽在街上高兴的走,现在一个游历战士该有的他全有了。