- He danced on his hind legs,then on his front legs. 它先是用后腿跳着舞步,而后用前腿。
- The toy sailboat danced on the pond. 玩具帆船在池塘上荡漾。
- That murderer danced on a rope at last. 那个杀人凶手终于被送上了绞架。
- The moonlight danced on the lake. 月光在湖面上波动。
- Talk on nothing is pretty cheap. 空口说白话有个屁用。
- They walked and skipped and danced on their toes. 她们蹑着脚趾尖走路,轻跳,及舞蹈。
- We danced on the night we were wed. 我们欢舞于新婚的夜里。
- He wasted money and time on nothing. 他白白地浪费了时间和金钱而一无所获。
- Two little kangaroos danced on the bed. 两只小袋鼠在床上跳舞,
- I have read of people living several weeks on nothing but a glass of water a day. 我曾读到一段记载,说有人不吃东西,单靠1天只喝1杯水活了几个星期。
- Some girls are dancing on the stage. 一些女孩在舞台上跳舞。
- The reflection of flames danced on smoke-grimed walls. 熊熊火焰的反光在满是烟垢的墙上跳动。
- She prided herself on nothing more than her talent for observation. 使她最感到自豪的就是自己观察事物的才能。
- danced on nothingv. 被绞死
- Moonlight danced on the figure of the Mexican girl still emerging from stone. 月光婆娑在即将从石料中脱身而出的一个墨西哥少女的人体雕像上。
- As he has a cold,he has put on nothing but a little steamed bread today. 因为伤风,他今天只吃了一点馒头。
- Forty fathoms up, through wisps of plankton, the moon danced on a becalmed sea. 向上两百多英尺,穿过一群群的浮游生物,可以看到月光在宁静的海面上舞动着。
- Now they have set their sights on nothing less than global domination. 现在他们把视线投向地球的主宰权。
- We danced on the green, dined at the hermitage, and wandered in the woods by moonlight. 我们在绿茵上跳舞,在僻静的住所晚餐,在月光下漫步於森林中。
- As he has a cold, he has put on nothing but a little steamed bread today. 因为伤风,他今天只吃了一点馒头。