- He has a dark complexion. 他肤色黝黑。
- He is quite thin and has a moustache, and a dark complexion. 他很瘦,留着小胡子,皮肤黝黑。
- She was a finely featured woman with a dark complexion who sported the latest fashions. 她是一个有着深色皮肤的美貌女子,喜欢炫耀最新的时尚。
- It was the portrait of a young woman of five or six and twenty, with a dark complexion, and light and lustrous eyes, veiled beneath long lashes. 画面上是一位青年女子,年约二十五六岁,肤色微黑,长长的睫毛下,有一双水汪汪的明亮的眼睛。
- He was as strong as a man of steel and, his dark complexion set off by clother of coarse cloth, looked like a countryman. 他本来是一副铜筋铁骨,黑皮肤衬着那一套大布之衣,看去像个乡下人。
- This woman, hardly thirty years of age, of dark complexion and tolerably pretty, had a vague look in her large black eyes. 那妇人将近三十岁,深色发肤,相当美丽,秀长眼睛,黑眼珠,看起人来却没有神。
- Whitening moisture factor (WMF) improves dark complexion and brightens the skin tone, leaving cheeks rosy, brilliant and attractive. 美白保湿因子(WMF)能改善肤色黯哑,提亮肤色,令肌肤白里透红,亮彩动人。
- He was a slender dark complexioned man. 我停下来与他谈了一会儿。
- She was dressed in a beaded black silk dress, fitting close to her form, with a burst of rubies at her throat which contrasted effectively with her dark complexion and black hair. 她那时穿着一件镶珠的黑绸衫子,跟她的身材非常相配,领口插着一簇红宝石,跟她那黝黑的皮肤和乌黑的头发相映益彰。
- A Sorbonne research released earlier in the year by the French Observatory Against Racism found that Arab names and dark complexion represent an obstacle to jobseekers. 由法国反对种族歧视基金在今年早期提供的一项研究表明,阿拉伯名字和黑色皮肤是求职者的障碍。
- Some of menopause women have darkish complexion, soreness of waist, cold limbs, abdominal distension, loose stool, edema of the face and limbs, profuse menstrual flow with dark colour and clots. 有些更年期妇女头晕目眩;耳鸣;腰膝酸软;月经先期或先后不定;经色鲜红;量多或少.;有些更年期妇女面色晦暗;腰酸肢冷;腹胀便溏;面浮肢肿;经行量多;色暗有块
- Standing on the prow was a tall man, of a dark complexion, who saw with dilating eyes that they were approaching a dark mass of land in the shape of a cone, which rose from the midst of the waves like the hat of a Catalan. 船头上站着一个身材高大、肤色浅黑的男子,他大睁着的眼睛看着他们渐渐接近的一片乌压压的陆地,那块陆地矗立在万顷波涛之中,象是一顶硕大无朋的迦太兰人的圆锥形的帽子。
- Dr Baumann said a darker complexion in women is "less common" but "appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly sexual. 鲍曼恩说,喜欢深肤色女性的人“并不多见”,但同时有观点认为,“这种肤色的女性显得更加性感”。
- She has dark hair and a fresh complexion. 她头发乌黑,气色很好。
- Dr Baumann said this appreciation of a darker complexion in women is "less common""appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly sexual. 鲍曼恩说,喜欢深肤色女性的人“并不多见”,但“有观点认为,这种肤色的女性显得更加性感”。
- Dr Baumann said darker complexion in women is "less common" but "appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly sexual. 鲍曼恩说,喜欢深肤色女性的人“并不多见”,但“同时有观点认为,这种肤色的女性显得更加性感”。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房间里摸索着找电灯开关。
- Dr Baumann said this appreciation of a darker complexion in women is "less common" but "appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly ***ual. 鲍曼恩说,喜欢深肤色女性的人"并不多见",但"同时有观点认为,这种肤色的女性显得更加性感"。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Dr Baumann said this appreciation of a darker complexion in women is less common but appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly sexual. 鲍曼恩说,喜欢深肤色女性的人“并不多见”,但“同时有观点认为,这种肤色的女性显得更加性感”。