- data access device 数据存取装置
- VDMAD? Virtual Direct Memory Access Device? 虚拟直接存储器存取设备?
- Why are my Data Access components not showing? 为什么我的数据敏感控件没有显示?
- Represents the default data access method. 表示默认数据访问方法。
- Has no system data access or user data access. 没有系统数据访问或用户数据访问。
- To remove a volume from a tape unit or a direct access device. 从磁带机或直接存取设备上取下一个卷。
- Advanced Data Access with Microsoft? Visual Studio? 高级数据存取开发?
- As a banded control on a data access page). 作为数据访问页上的绑定控件)。
- What Is the MFC Data Access Programming Model? 什么是MFC数据库访问编程模型?
- A cache is typically used for quick data access. 缓存通常用于快速数据访问。
- Cumbersome data access and poor integration. 笨拙的数据访问和糟糕的集成。
- Unable to access device name %2. Check current configuration. 无法访问设备名%252。请检查当前配置。
- Method. Bitmap data access with the. 方法访问位图数据。
- Now you are ready to mail the data access page. 现在,准备发送数据访问页。
- Data movement request is denied because the media or media access device is being used for another request. 因为媒体或媒体访问设备正在被另一个请求所使用,数据移动请求被拒绝。
- General data access engine as an extension of ADO. 这是个通用数据访问引擎,是对ADO.
- This is called Universal Data Access, or UDA. 为了给应用程序添加这功能模块,你需要知道怎样为调制解调器的存在测试,怎么样连接调制解调器,然后实际上拨那个号码。
- To selectively position the access mechanism of a direct access device. 对直接存取设备的读写机构进行有选择地定位。
- Capabilities and management of a WORM drive, a subtype of media access device. WORM驱动器(媒体访问设备的一个分类)的功能和管理。
- It's the way the screen image (as well as keyboard and mouse data) gets from the shared PC to the access device, and vice versa. 它的方式,屏幕图像(以及键盘和鼠标的数据)被从共享电脑的接入设备,反之亦然。