- extended data base control system 扩展数据库控制系统
- In addition, the GPS device is placed on the saddle of the donkey and is connected to a central data base controlled by the environmental group that organizes the forest clearing for the council. 除此之外,全球定位系统GPS的设备,还置放在驴子的鞍上,再连结上由环保团体控制的资料中心,而这个团体,会为镇议会进行森林清洁工作。
- In a data base, the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。
- data base control 数据库控制
- data base control system 数据库控制系统
- The overall logical organization of a data base. 一种数据库的总体的逻辑结构。
- Principle and application of engineering data base. 工程数据库原理及应用。
- The demonstration program of data base query. 数据库查询示例程序
- One moment. While we connect our data base. 稍等,连接数据库。
- Data Base Error reading sector on hard disk. 在硬碟上有错误的磁区而阻碍正确档案的读取。
- In data base terminology, a single instance, for example, a set occurrence, a record occurrence. 在数据库术语中,一个单一实例,例如,一组具体值,一个记录的具体值。
- In a relation data base, the number of tuples in a relation. 关系数据库中,一个关系的元组数目。
- A logical sub-division of a data base that contains all occurrences of stipulated data aggregates. 数据库中的一种逻辑子域,它包含了有约定的数据的聚集的全部(具体)值。
- Base Control Tow Scramble the jets! Get all flyable aircraft into the air! Move it! 紧急发动飞机!将所有能驾驶的都飞到天上去!快!
- In a data base,the smallest unit of data that can be referred to. 在数据库中,可被访问的最小数据单位。
- Base Control Tower Air raid warning! Enemy bombers inbound. Scramble and engage! 空袭警报!敌轰炸机接近。紧急发动(战机),赶快进入交战!
- Proficiency with data based problem solving. 熟练运用基于数据的问题解决方法。
- A name used to identify the data unit in a data base. 用于标识数据库中数据单位的名字。
- Differential GPS Based Control of Heavy Vehicles; Final research rept. 重型飞行器的差分gps基控制/最终报告
- Registration of Range Data Based on. 基于平面特征的深度图像配准。