- Study on the Life Cycle Information Share and Discovery for Ship Products Based on Data Mining and Data Grid Technology 基于数据挖掘和数据网格技术的舰船全寿命信息共享和发现研究
- data grid technology 数据网格技术
- With its Sun Grid technology, Sun focused on mission-critical, highly redundant data center environments. 因为它的栅格技术关注关键性任务和高度冗余的数据中心环境。
- The grid technology is a powerful tool to handle and calculate numerous distributed data. 网格技术是解决分布式大规模数据处理和计算的有力工具。
- Applying Grid Technology to Web Application Systems. 阐述了将网格技术应用于Web应用中的困难和可行性。
- An alternative approach is to leave the item data at the suppliers locations and leverage grid technology to provide a virtual global repository. 还有一种方法是将项数据保留在供应商那里,利用网格技术提供虚拟的全局资料库。
- Finally, by integrating all these key technology, a Monte Carol data management prototype system based on data grid has been constructed in LAN environment. 最后,通过整合这些关键技术,建立了一个基于数据网格的Monte Carol仿真数据管理原型系统。
- Abstract : Grid technology is a concise and expeditious solution to the massive data management and information sharing based on Network environment. 摘要 : 网格技术是网络环境下海量数据管理和信息共享的有效方法。
- The color of the font displayed by the data in the rows of the data grid. 数据网格行中的数据所显示的字体颜色。
- On the data grid, click the Source File Name column to sort the data grid. 在数据网格上,单击“源文件名”列,对数据网格进行排序。
- In Result mode, the rowset returned by the query appears in a data grid. 在结果模式中,由查询返回的行集显示在数据网格中。
- In the environment of heterogeneous data sources integration using grid technology,the problem of semantic query can be solved through introducing ontology. 利用网格技术实现的异构数据源集成环境中,引入本体可以解决网格数据的语义查询问题。
- Organize Records: Bibliographic records are displayed in a data grid. 组织记录:著书目录的记录在数据栏内显示。
- Finally,we make a conclusion on the distributed PACS based on grid technology. 最后对基于网格技术的分布式PACS系统的研究进行了总结。
- Grid technology has strong support ability for profounder level data integration in GIP, provides the possibility for solving isolated island of information. 它为政府信息门户中更深层次的数据集成提供了强大的技术支持,为彻底消除系统中的信息孤岛提供了可能。
- It is here that Grid technologies enter the picture. 现在的网格技术有些眉目了。
- Discussed basic concept and content of Grid, Data Grid, SIG, Grid GIS and Spatial Data Grid. And also the relationship among them with middleware technology, distributed computing, Peer-to-Peer, Web GIS and OpenGIS. 论述了网格、数据网格、SIG、Grid GIS和空间数据网格的基本概念和基本内容,并讨论了他们与中间件技术、分布计算技术、P2P技术、Web GIS、OpenGIS之间的关系。
- Control, you can customize the colors that will be used when certain tables are displayed within the data grid. 控件的默认格式后,即可自定义在数据网格内显示某些表时使用的颜色。
- How can we use grid technology to gain a better return on investment on our equipment? 我们又应该如何使用网格技术,才能从我们在设备上的投资中获得更大的收益。
- A good demo of DAO, data controls, and data grids for beginners. 这是一个为新手提供的一个很好的DAO、数据控件和数据网格的演示。