- The town was pillaged by the invading army. 入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。
- They abandoned their lands to the invading forces. 他们丢下了土地 遭侵略军占领。
- database invading 数据库入侵
- The invading army made a sudden thrust to the north. 入侵部队突然向北猛攻。
- The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting. 侵略军在那里横行霸道,杀人放火,抢劫财物。
- This database is only accessible by the authorized manager. 只有授权的管理员才可以访问此数据库。
- The invading army desolated the country. 入侵的军队使那个国家饱受蹂躏。
- The invading army was discomfited in every battle. 那支入侵的军队屡战屡败。
- We wiped out all the invading enemy. 我们全歼了进犯之敌。
- The invading armies laid waste the countryside. 侵略军把这一乡间地区夷为平地。
- The militia succeeded in ambushing the invading enemy soldiers. 民兵们成功地伏击了入侵的敌军。
- Invading armies overwhelmed the town. 入侵的军队控制了这个城镇。
- Nelson stopped Napoleon from invading England. 纳尔逊阻拦拿破仑侵略英格兰。
- Branch officials can access the central database. 分行官员可利用中央数据库。
- They gathered soldiers to fight the invading army. 他们召集士兵对抗入侵的军队。
- The invading army was wiped out. 入侵部队被歼灭了。
- Export Database to CSV format in plain text format. 出口数据库到在普通文本格式的CSV格式。
- The Restriction Enzyme Database from NEB. 限制苺资料库取自新英格兰生物实验室公司。
- Warships covered the landing of the invading army. 战舰炮火掩护入侵部队登陆。
- Returns a single database record. 返回单条数据库记录。