- Size check done against the database now uses logical database size. 现在使用逻辑数据库大小对数据库进行大小检查。
- Checks at Database Size Check Interval are skipped until new start time. 系统将跳过依据“数据库大小检查间隔”设置的检查,直到到达新的开始时间。
- For Standard Edition, you can set the database size limit between 1 and 75 GB. 在标准版中,数据库大小限制可设置在1至75 GB之间。
- By default, the database size check happens at 05:00 (5:00 A.M.) Every day. 默认情况下,数据库大小检查在每天05:00(上午5:00)进行。
- The initial cache size is always less than 1.1 Times the total database size. 初始高速缓存大小始终小于数据库总大小的1.;1倍。
- The problems with database size boil down to a more fundamental problem, however. 然而,数据库大小的问题还会引起更重大的问题。
- First database size check will not take the database offline if the size limit has been exceeded. 执行第一次数据库大小检查时,如果数据库超过大小限制,系统不会使数据库脱机。
- However, I have a feeling that adding this would considerably increase database size, and therefore search time. 然而,我认为这样做会大幅增加数据库的大小和搜索时间。
- On servers that do not use local continuous replication (LCR), we recommend that you limit the database size to 100 GB. 在不使用本地连续复制(LCR)的服务器上,建议将数据库大小限制在100 GB。
- On servers that use LCR, we recommend that you limit the database size to 200 GB. 在使用LCR的服务器上,建议将数据库大小限制在200 GB。
- However, database size should be balanced against other factors, especially capacity and complexity. 但是,应根据其他因素(尤其是容量和复杂程度)来平衡数据库大小。
- For the Enterprise Edition, there is no default configured database size limit, and no software set maximum size. 在企业版中,没有默认配置的数据库大小限制,并且没有软件设置的最大大小。
- If the logical database size exceeds the maximum size limit, it will be dismounted on a regular basis. 如果数据库逻辑大小超出大小上限,则会被定期卸除。
- Event ID 9688 indicates that you have reached the threshold you have configured for maximum logical database size. 事件ID 9688指示您已达到了为最大逻辑数据库大小配置的阈值。
- Are there restrictions in terms of the number of database users or of the database size? 有没有数据库用户数量或数据库大小方面的限制?
- The Upgrade. Exe file does not override this default database size if the database is larger than 128 MB. 不如果数据库是大于128MB Upgrade.;exe文件会覆盖此默认数据库大小。
- Set the AUTO_SHRINK option to OFF to reduce the overhead of changes to the database size. 将AUTO_SHRINK选项设置为OFF,以降低更改数据库大小的开销。
- The topic Database Size Limit Configuration and Management in the Exchange Technical Reference. “Exchange技术参考”中的主题数据库大小限制的配置与管理。
- You might want to give each instance memory proportional to its expected workload or database size. 可能需要为每个实例提供与预期的工作负荷或数据库大小成正比的内存。
- You should therefore start with a log file size equal to 25 percent of the initial application database size. 因此,应使日志文件的初始大小等于初始应用程序数据库大小的25%25。