- The date of manufacture of the jewellery has not been authenticated. 这些珠宝的制造日期尚未经证实。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- The date of the dinner party is still in the air. 宴会的日期尚未确定。
- The date of his departure is uncertain. 他离开的日期尚未确定。
- The date of the meeting was advanced by four days. 会议提前四天召开。
- MDCL has established procedures to ensure that finished products are traceable to the date of manufacture through the application of a Batch no. 本公司已制定程序以确保成品能通过产品批号追溯其生产日期。
- The exact date of his birth is not known. 他确切的出生日期无人知道。
- The code of manufacturer (YS) and the date of manufacture (month and year) are to be stamped warm during the taping operation at middle of the taper. 在封箱时,必须把制造商编码(YS)以及制造日期(月和年)敲在胶带的中间。
- The stone was engraved with his date of birth. 这石块上刻著他的生日。
- This porduct is widely used to shoes print words regarding date of manufacture and batch number etc. in the industries such as foodstuff. everage and pharmaceutical etc. 该产品广泛应用于鞋业、食品、饮料、医药等行业在包装物上打印生产日期、批号等字样。
- Fixed the date of the ancient artifacts. 确定这件古代文化遗物的时间
- Nameplate of a diesel engine contains basic information of the engine , including: nominal power, nominal revolution, serial number, date of manufacture, and active standard etc. 柴油机的标牌含有柴油机的基本信息包括:标定功率、标定转速、系列号、生产日期、执行标准等。
- Knowledge of manufacturing and engineering process. 熟悉制造工艺和非标设备。
- The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday. 会议日期已经从星期五提前到星期一。
- Quality control of manufacturing process. 制造过程质量控制。
- They decided to bring forward the date of the next meeting. 他们决定将下一次会议的日期提前。
- Controlling of manufacturing for each project. 控制每个项目的生产过程;
- The date of the meeting was advanced from June20 to June7. 会议日期由6月20日提前到了6月7日。
- Government has become a substantial provider of manufacturing finance. 政府已变成制造业资金的重要提供者。