- Draft at 60 days sight from the date of presentation at your counter". 该条款要求出具在议付行起算60天到期的远期汇票。
- This period is not curtailed or otherwise affected by the occurrence on or after the date of presentation of any expiry date or last day for presentation. 这一期限不因在交单日当天或之后信用证截止日或最迟交单日届至而受到缩减或影响。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?
- A document may be dated prior to the issuance date of the credit, but must not be dated later than its date of presentation. 单据日期可以早于信用证的开立日期,但不得晚于交单日期。
- He can reel off the date of the king of england. 他能流畅地说出所有英国国王的生卒年份。
- The date of the dinner party is still in the air. 宴会的日期尚未确定。
- The date of his departure is uncertain. 他离开的日期尚未确定。
- The receipt shall specify the date of presentment for acceptance and shall be signed. 回单上应当记明汇票提示承兑日期并签章。
- The date of the meeting was advanced by four days. 会议提前四天召开。
- The exact date of his birth is not known. 他确切的出生日期无人知道。
- The stone was engraved with his date of birth. 这石块上刻著他的生日。
- The date of presentment for payment shall be the day when the holder submits the negotiable instrument to the holder's bank. 其提示付款日期以持票人向开户银行提交票据日为准。
- Fixed the date of the ancient artifacts. 确定这件古代文化遗物的时间
- The date of the meeting has been advanced from Friday to Monday. 会议日期已经从星期五提前到星期一。
- The manner of presentation is highly important. 介绍的方式很重要。
- They decided to bring forward the date of the next meeting. 他们决定将下一次会议的日期提前。
- The date of the meeting was advanced from June20 to June7. 会议日期由6月20日提前到了6月7日。
- It is beyond the horizon of present knowledge. 这超过了当前的知识水平的范围。
- She praised herself as the most outstanding woman of present age. 她自诩自己是当代最杰出的女性。
- I had for gotten the date of the battle so I referred to history books. 我忘记了那次战争的日期,所以我查了一下史书。